
Who Was Responsible For The Downfall Of Macbeth

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The downfall of Macbeth can be blamed on both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The crimes committed by Macbeth are what ultimately caused his downfall. However, his decisions were strongly swayed by Lady Macbeth.The intent was equally to blame on the both of them. Lady Macbeth had a lust for power once she heard the prophecy from the witches. Then once Macbeth started killing, she realized coming to power was possible. But in result of gaining power Lady Macbeth went crazy which i belike had a huge role in both Lady Macbeth, and Macbeth’s downfall. Lady Macbeth had a lust for power, but she knows she cant reach power without Macbeth doing the dirty work for her. Macbeth also lusted to be king, but ultimately he wouldn't have done many of the things

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