
Who Was Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Romeo! Romeo! Or should I say cold blooded killer, you presume Romeo to be some kinda knight in shining armor, The prince charming if you will. However, if you look at the evidence in the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Everything from murder, marrying a minor, and trespassing into a town he was banished from.You’ll that Romeo montague is cause of all this chaos and responsible for the death of himself and his beloved Juliet. This fella had a total kill count of four people. When Romeo was getting a hold of his rapier, he really should’ve been getting a hold of himself. Throughout this play Romeo kills the most people, so, I don't know, but maybe being homicidal and all I think he's a pretty good culprit for being responsible for not only the murder of his one and only love Juliet Capulet but the other people he slayed. Tybalt, Paris, HIMSELF, and the really the reason why Juliet died too.Also, Was the reason Mercutio ended up getting stabbed in the fight with Tybalt in Act 3 Scene 1 while Romeo was holding him down. Better yet, prince Escalus had a law that said that anyone who was to fight was to be executed. It sounds like to me we have a bloodthirsty criminal. …show more content…

And speaking of committing, Romeos bride to be Juliet was thirteen years old. Juliet a naive little girl probably didn't know any better and fell in love with this random guy at the Capulet’s party Act 1 Scene. Then yanno, one thing leads to another and Romeo and Juliet agree to marry each other after knowing each other for not more than a few hours. Woah what!?! Yes Romeo manipulates and has Juliet a Capulet agree to marry him, the sworn family enemy. Even after knowing that it would be close to impossible to be together, Romeo agreed to do it anyway. Is it just me or does this Romeo guy sound more and more creepy as we go on? Does he sound like the reason why he and Juliet died yet? Because I think

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