
Who Was James K. Polk A Bully?

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Was James K. Polk A Bully? In the election of 1844, James K. Polk was known as the dark horse candidate who campaigned issues concerning the annexation of texas and the settlement of disputes over Oregon boundaries. Although there were some arguments against westward expansion, Polk zealously worked towards expanding America without minding that he was not supported by all. It can be seen that James K. Polk was justified engaging war with Mexico through his many actions prior to the war.
Arguments against westward expansion include that expansion will increase tension between the north and south. Polk’s expansionist program would eventually lead to acquiring more land in states such as Texas, where slavery was prominent. The north felt it unfair because that would mean more power is given to those who actually support slavery. Since he appeared to be more pro-slavery than not, Polk was very popular among southern expansionists but was despised by antislavery forces.
An argument for westward expansion can simply be that it will benefit the nation’s power and economy. As the president, Polk …show more content…

He sent John Slidell to negotiate on allowing the U.S. to purchase the state of California. A huge amount of 40 million U.S. dollars was offered for the purchase of California and New Mexico but Mexico refused. It is wrong to classify James K. Polk as a bully because Texas initially asked to join the Union. Polk stated that “The Republic of Texas has made known her desire to come into our Union, to form a part of our Confederacy and enjoy with us the blessings of liberty secured and guaranteed by our Constitution.” Through his eyes, Polk was doing them a favor by fighting for Texas. Zachary Taylor, the president before James K. Polk, caused tension with Mexico when the U.S. and Mexico both claimed the same portion of land. In other words disputes over Oregon boundaries angered Mexico and made war

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