
Who Was In The Wrong Short Story

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Who was in the wrong in this story, the White or the Indians? These two races were very aversion towards each other. The hostility between them would bring many deaths on both sides. Men, women, and children paid the price because of the hatred towards each other. It’s a hard dilemma on who is wrong in this story. But I got to say that both races are wrong. One might have stared it, but the other went with it, took it on and no one ended it. Half Arrow, True Sons cousin says, “What have they taken from us? Land, woods, game, streams, fish, and our happiness.” That is where I see the White people doing something wrong. Coming to the Indians land and conquering some of the belongings. Not only that, but also the White people scalping men, women, and children. True son says, “You had forty, fifty men. You had horses, knives, tomahawks, and rifles. You blow heads off of Indian men. You chop. You cut off hands and to cut feet.” to his White uncle, leader of the Paxton boys, to prove how bad White people are. …show more content…

Since the White people made it ok to kill and scalp Indian people, they did the same to the White people. Both races grew up with extortion against each other and how bad one another is and precept on why they should hate one another. They would not touch on the subject about having peace because of the resentment towards each

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