
Who Own Your Brand? Essay

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One of the key takeaways from the sixth chapter “Who Own Your Brand?” is collective branding, the concept whereby the consumers as well as the marketers together shape the brand image. Which has been primarily facilitated through technology, which has given the customers the power to influence theory decisions and buying behaviors. Consumers have become much more conscious of their purchasing decisions and how they spend (jelly beans). Therefore, marketers have to acknowledge this change and make sure they adapt accordingly as well as work with the consumers. In addition, social media can have tremendous influence on consumers purchasing decisions. If there is one well-placed video, picture, advertisement, tweet or comment that goes viral or starts trending, millions of potential consumers can be influenced to purchase the product. This can be strengthened when a celebrity uses a certain product and posts it on a social media platform. Even though this does not give the consumers the control of the retailer’s brand’s decisions, it can have a tremendous influence on the outcomes for the brand. Therefore, this new level of consumer power to influence and connections made through social media have created three fundamental behaviors, “honesty, illumination and immediacy that a retailer needs to implement.
Another key takeaway for me in chapter eight of the Retail Revival was the concept of the “Third Shelf”, whereby a retailer has to figure out “how to grow market share

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