
Who Is The Protagonist In Entering Glass

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If you are waiting for approval to live your life, I am sorry none is forthcoming. In the book “Shattering Glass” by Gale Giles, the author demonstrates how individuals will follow others who they look up to even when they are involved in questionable activities, showing this through the actions of the characters throughout the story.e. It's through the use of Rob that the author shows what people are willing to do when they are manipulated using their own desires. The three main reasons for why the characters followed Rob was to feel a part of something bigger, to help someone, and to be able to accomplish their goals The reason that Steward Young joined Rob’s group was simple he was alone and without a purpose until Rob gave him one. In the beginning of the story Young and his friends “were random stars and he made [them] a constellation” which motivated young to do as he was told(Giles 32). Although Young didn’t ask …show more content…

At the end of the story when Rob and Bob are killing Simon, Coop is the only one who tries to help Simon by “screaming and pulling at Bob and Rob,trying to grab the bats…” from their hands(215). Although Coop fails to stop Bob and Rob from killing Simon he proves that he wanted to help him and wasn’t interested in simply following Rob’s plan. Coop was the only person in the group who befriended Simon while the rest of his friends simply helped Simon which is why he was willing to defy Rob in order to help his friend. Ronna Perry is also interested in helping Simon which is why she agrees to go out with him. Ronna serves as the conscience of the novel always bringing up deep insights about other characters. Ronna was willing to go out with Simon as per Rob’s plan after Young “gave [her] away. Ronna after finding out about Rob’s plan decided to go through with it anyways to help Simon. Even earlier in the novel she wanted to give

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