
Who Is The Definition Of Hero?

Satisfactory Essays

The authors purpose/message of this article is to show that the definition of hero is different for everyone, based on their own culture. This message is shown many times throughout the article. For example, the author states ¨a classic definition--to hero: someone who voluntarily leaves a point of safety to assume life risk to save or attempt to save the life of another.¨ This quote explains the message because that is the classic definition, but based on peoples cultures, they may not agree and change around the definition. Also the author states ¨That didn't quite fit my situation, which was thrust upon me suddenly...But sometimes in our culture we overuse the word, and by overusing it we diminish it.¨ This shows that even though people change the definition to fit them, the word becomes overused, because then basically everyone is a hero if they want to be. …show more content…

But, what really is a hero? Again, there are many definitions of a hero, but who are some heroes? What does it take? The author states ¨It doesn't take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.¨ This quote shows perfectly that according to this article one trait a hero needs to have is bravery. Even the smallest things could be considered heroic, such as giving the homeless money so that they have money to buy food and shelter, or even doing the right things. The author ends the article with ¨And, in a broader sense of the word, that would be called heroic." This is a good way to end the article because it shows that main purpose

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