
Who Is The Conch In Lord Of The Flies

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The conch is a symbol of authority and power in Lord of the Flies. It was one of the only things that brought order and respect among the boys. The conch being destroyed caused chaos among the boys on the island because of its importance among leadership. Piggy’s glasses were a very ideal part of the story because they represent piggy’s intelligence and reasoning, he was the scientific genius of the group, and his glasses basically show his intelligence in the group. The fire has also been a significant part of the story because, ever since the beginning of the story Ralph has been determined to keep a signal fire going, in case a ship passed by and they could get rescued. The fire then goes out of control and leaves a light of both hope for both rescue and destruction. “There could be a beast, but I think that its us” …show more content…

This book was created by the author William Golding. The story involves several characters. Main characters involve, Ralph who was early in the book elected to be the leader of the group and is the main protagonist of the story, Piggy who is described to be the most intelligent of the group and happens to be obese, asthmatic, and wears glasses that have a significance to his personality. The next main character would be last and definitely least in my opinion, Jack. Jack is the main antagonist of the story, he had a hatred for Ralph ever since Ralph was elected leader over him. All of these characters have a major significance in the story. All of these characters and other very important items in the story will be discussed in this

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