
Who Is Meg Murry Engle's A Wrinkle In Time?

Decent Essays

Meg Murry undergoes a metamorphosis in Madeline L’Engle’s classic novel “A Wrinkle in Time”. At the beginning of the classic novel, fellow classmates and teachers consider Meg Murry, a thirteen-year old middle schooler, to be a troublesome and stubborn student. Her confidence sinks down like an anchor as her grades rapidly plunge down to the lowest section of her grade level. As a result, Meg Murry looks upon herself as a social outcast and a failure. That is, until one dark and stormy night, where Meg Murry abruptly confronts Mrs. Whatsit, her new, peculiar neighbor. During Mrs. Whatsit’s visit, she briefly mentions a “tesseract” (page 30), that strongly frightens Mrs. Murry, Meg Murry’s mother, and almost motivates her to faint. Consequently, Meg Murry discovers that the term, “tesseract”, refers to a scientific concept her father, a physicist, was researching on before his mysterious, uncanny disappearance. As a result, she curiously explores and on the way meets Calvin O’Keefe, a lonely high school junior, who tags along on the mythological journey. Afterward, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which transport Meg Murry, Charles Wallace, and Calvin O’Keefe through the universe with their powerful magic by means of the tesseract, a fifth-dimensional phenomenon, beginning her journey as a hero.

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