
Who Is Jimmy Valentine

Decent Essays

If a man is willing to change their future if they are willing to put away their scares of the past.Jimmy Valentine was once a safe cracker who got out of the stir (jail).But one day when he met the eyes of Annabel Adams changed his life.Jimmy was now known as Ralph D. Spencer and he was soon going to marry the love of his life,but one day Jimmy Valentine returned.Jimmy
Valentine wanted to live a moral life because he was honest ,took responsibil,and compassion.
First, is that Jimmy Valentine showed honesty.When Jimmy Valentine turned himself in to Ben price (detective) showed his honesty.In the story it states that ,”Hellow Ben!”said Jimmy,still with his strange smile.”Got around at last,have you?Well,let's go.I don’t know that it makes …show more content…

Second is that Jimmy Valentine showed responsibility. Jimmy becoming Ralph D. Spencer. Jimmy turned into Ralph and he took responsibility of a new life. Jimmy owned a store. In the story it states “Yes, there ought to be a good opening in the shoe line. There wasn’t an exclusive shoe store in the place.” (O. Henry) Jimmy got engaged to . When Jimmy won the heart of Annabel and he had many responsibilities like raising a family, feeding the family, and etc. This showed how showed responsibility.
Finally, Jimmy Valentine showed compassion. Jimmy Valentine saved Agatha. In the story it states that “In a minute Jimmy’s pet drill was biting smoothly into the steel door. In ten minutes breaking his own burglarious record he threw back the bolts and opened the door. Agatha almost collapsed, but safe, gathered into her mother’s arms.” Jimmy Valentine giving up his

tools his friend. Jimmy was willing to give up his finest tools to his friend so he can live

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