
Who Is Jefferson's Transformation In A Lesson Before Dying

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Events, gestures, objects, words, phrases, and sentences can hold a significant meaning to a story and/or a person. In Ernest J. Gaines’s novel, A Lesson Before Dying, transformation of characters and events is widely portrayed. Jefferson, a black man wrongfully accused of crime, is sentenced to death by electrocution. A black professor, Grant Wiggins, is challenged to transform Jefferson into a man before his set date of electrocution. In order for a successful transformation, both Jefferson and Grant must endure change. By assessing the plot and theme of the novel, it is apparent that just one piece of dialogue, one object, and one gesture when linked together can capture the true meaning of the story. Upon lone visits with Jefferson at the jail many times, Grant visits Jefferson with Miss Emma and Reverend Ambrose. To begin Jefferson’s transformation, Grant speaks directly to him regarding the importance and impact that Jefferson’s death will hold for the black community as whole, as well as many other individuals. While speaking to Jefferson, Grant says “I want you to show them the difference between what they think you are and what you …show more content…

Paul showed great dedication toward Grant’s goal of helping Jefferson to the status of a man and showed sympathy for Jefferson throughout the novel. The lines “I don’t know what you’re going to say when you go back in there. But tell them he was the bravest man in that room today” indicate that although the majority of the men who witnessed the electrocution showed great fear, Jefferson was defiant and walked to the electrocution chair with his head held high and without his feet dragging (256). By doing so, Jefferson showed the white community that he had transformed into a heroic being who was starting the decomposition of the previous myth regarding white

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