
Who Is Jack In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel “Lord of the flies” written by William Golding a particular character ‘Jack’ is a main Character that causes all havoc within the island. The best parts from at the beginning, middle and end are, Jack’s struggle for power, Jack and his redemption and Jack as a savage. These are just the three main points of the book. Jack's personality / physical features would be the most clear at the beginning of the book because the boy’s weren't savages and very much straight from U.K. Jack is the oldest boy on the island. He is a choir boy, these boys are supposed to be the ‘best / kindest’ people in the world, or in simple terms the good british boy. A quote that displays this “We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.”. Jack is having his say in the rules of the island, you can tell Jack follows the rules back in the U.K because he says “ We’ve got to have rules” . Places with rules usually aren't savages, going around killing people or stealing. All round Jack is a marvelous boy as he is at the beginning, but this is worrying because in real life the nicest personalities have a dark side that can be unlocked through a chain of events, I know this can happen to anyone because if you don’t have civilization or …show more content…

Jack has the power he wanted from the beginning and using it wrongfully. A quote that shows this “ You can’t hunt, you can’t sing” this shows Jack is feed up with Ralph he doesn’t want anything to do with him because Jack feels better. Jack is happy with his power over Ralph, Jack finally got to where he wanted to be even if he hurt some people he doesn’t care. Usually in real life when another person has power over others they bully people to show they are better, that is what happen to Ralph and his

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