
Who Is George Orwell's Phobia Of Feminism?

Decent Essays

After an analysis of Orwell’s autobiographical works, the author Ivett Csaszar defines Orwell’s anti-feminism, in her article, as a logical outcome of the society’s traditional values and 20th century political and social problems in the world in general and in England in particular. She explains that Orwell was very much occupied by social injustice and political problems than gender ones. To support her argument Ivett organised her article into five parts. The first one was devoted to Orwell’s personal development of his masculinity and conservative behaviours. The author focused on his literary works and especially his male vocabulary. She claimed that Orwell’s democratic socialism failed according to feminist critics. This argument was developed in the third part in which Ivett reports the rise of feminism and homosexuality as one of the most important causes of Orwell’s “phobia of feminism”. However, she considers that Orwell was not that much anti-feminist and asserted that this problem is due to his social background and cannot be changed. …show more content…

Like many other feminist critics, she believed that Orwell left women’s problems and sufferance far from his fight for social democracy. However, the author managed to achieve her aim in a talented style. She opted for a defence of Orwell in spite of just stating his weaknesses and attacking him. The careful study of Orwell’s life, social background and literary works allowed her to show that Orwell was really a champion in all apart from his feminism problem. Her analysis of Orwell’s sympathy towards the prole women in 1984 was a strong argument for Orwell’s unchanged “male-centred

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