I Woke Up Like This : Flawed
One of the common things among cultures is myths. Myths are deeply ingrained within the cultures we grow up in. Whether it's Johnny Appleseed in the US or the Talking Foxes of Eritrea. Myths give birth to heroes. And heroes plant different seeds in people depending upon the moral of the story. Such messages are portrayed in Edith Hamilton’s book, “Mythology”, which depicts different heroes with different stories. Heroes are more inspirational when depicted as flawed due to their likability to human beings, thereby being more relatable to common people and spurring confidence that they're just as capable.
Hercules is one of the heroes whose flaws and strengths are distinct and obvious. He's strong and powerful, as well as brave. However he also murdered his family . He was very reckless and had an explosive rage. He was quite daft as well. In fact,
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Reading about clean-cut and immaculate heroes would make them strive to reach that level of perfection. In fact “Life, Death, and Subjectivity: Moral Sources in Bioethics” a philosophical book on existence by Stan Van Hooft states, “....every living thing must strive for its own perfection”(pg.110). However, this argument neglects the fact that the idea of perfection is subjective. Creating a box by which you would abide by, in order to achieve perceived perfection is very limiting. On top of that, the strive for perfection is a bottomless pit. Meaning perfection is unattainable and attempting to achieve it will prove futile. It would only lead to self-dissatisfaction and shame for not achieving it. One can only try their best and proceed to learn from their mistakes as well grow and overcome their flaws. Flawed heroes serve as examples to audiences that will internalize what they read/see and grasp that their flaws shouldn't disturb their journey and matters they take on in
Hercules felt that he needed atonement for the sinful action. He innocently murders his family with his enormous amount of strength because he became a psychopath after Hera, Zeus’ wife, cursed him to go mad because she had a great amount of dislike towards Hercules. According to the following quote,
In this case many of his struggles are struggles against himself, however Hercules tries to make amends for his accidents using only his bravery and immense strength.Hercules shows what the rest of Greece found heroic, however: he is passionate but unintelligent.Hercules’s heroism consists of great deeds rather than good deeds; brute strength, self-confidence, and a simplistic but upright virtue are his most valued traits.They are both violent however they both have their heroic
In the beginning of the myth, Perseus’ grandfather, King Acrisius, was told by a priestess that his daughter would have a son and that her son would kill him. So Acrisius goes out of his way to rid himself of his daughter. He locks her in a castle in hopes that she won’t come across other people and become pregnant. Once he finds out that his daughter does have a son, Perseus, he locks them
They are called Olympians because they live in Mt. Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece which is located in Thessaly in North East of Greece
In Edith Hamilton's Mythology, the behavior of the Greek gods illustrates that in Greek society, the Greeks understand the fundamental nature of having flaws. The Trojan war started due to the actions of a Greek goddess of discord Erin who was not invited to a banquet, “Resenting this deeply, [Erin] determined to make trouble—and she succeeded very well indeed” (Hamilton 254).Erin's jealousy and wrath cause her to disrupt the peace among the gods and start the Trojan War. The Greeks recognized this ability to be imperfect and evil among humans as well as gods. The understood this significance so much that they created gods that were evil or impure in nature like Erin, rather than making every god perfect. Another example of a god exhibiting
"If I play a hero or a good guy, I'll try to find his darkness or his flaws." -J. Kinnaman. (Brainyqoute.com) As Kinnaman mentioned, there are almost always flaws in a hero, and these defects usually make the story more interesting. (Knowing a protagonist's defects is helpful to follow the story, because they usually propel the tension the story.) (-- removed HTML --) , an ancient Greek epic poem written by Homer, the protagonist attracts readers by showing not only his heroic qualities but also his shortcomings. The poem is mainly about Odysseus, a victorious general of the Trojan War, going back to his beloved homeland Ithaca after the brutal battle. However, he suffers through a 20-year-voyage to get home, which is caused by his own flaws. Indeed, he has plenty of heroic qualities, yet they are closely connected to his defects.
Despite his uncontrollable temper, which is something humanity discourages, Hercules demonstrates persistence which is something humanity values. One popular character throughout Greek Mythology is Hercules, who is commonly known to have an uncontrollable temper which is something humanity discourages. Many times throughout the story of Hercules, has an uncontrollable outburst. But, the majority of these outbursts were uncontrollable for him due to his strength.
Depicted to be the most important theme within Edith Hamilton 's Mythology, Moira is the decided fate of mortal man chosen by the Gods that tower above in Mount Olympus. Thus, fate is a reoccurring theme within Greek storytelling. The Greeks needed an explanation for the elements in their life, such as earthquakes, thunder, storms, the moon and the sky. Human nature dictates that an answer must be nominated for the unknown, for that emptiness to be filled. Even in the tale of the Argonauts, this curiosity must be fed. Therefore Gods and Goddesses were a perfect fit within their lives. For example Zeus, king of the Gods was able to launch lightning from his hands at the Earth below. A man is unable to flee from his Moira, or his destiny.
Hercules was as well a very self confident person, but this made him feel in a way that he was just like the gods. This also led him to many problems in the future. The problem in this myth is that he had too much confidence in himself that he was always put in violent circumstances. This was very important because
In almost every hero journey the hero always has some sort of hamartia, a Greek term for a “tragic flaw” (dictionary.com). This hamartia can be anything but most often it ends up being hubris, a Greek term for “excessive pride or self confidence” (dictionary.com). The works Death of a Salesman, a tragic play by Arthur Miller, and Beowulf, an epic poem told by various scops and storytellers, demonstrate the fact that a hero’s downfall is his pride. In these stories the “heroes”, Willy Loman,the hero from Death of a Salesman, and Beowulf, the hero from Beowulf, were unable to identify that they were not as great as they believed that they were because of their pride.
In world literature, there are two types of archetypal protagonists, the mythic hero and the tragic hero. Mythic heroes, like Homer's Odysseus, represent the combination of superhuman virtues and human imperfections. These traits create a supernatural adventure with a realistic character. The mythic hero is favored by divine powers and eventually achieves a certain goal or completes a certain journey. On the other hand, there is the tragic hero, like Sophocles' Oedipus. The unfortunate tragic hero has a penchant for attempting to escape a doomed fate. The tragic hero lives under the shadow that the gods place. Literature throughout the
Hercules, or known in Latin as Heracles, was the greatest of the Greek heroes, a paragon of masculinity. In art, Hercules was portrayed as a powerful, muscular man wearing lion's skin and armed with a huge club. He was also described as being a macho man buffoon, who was very impulsive. Hercules’ home and birthing place is in Thebes, Greece. Thebes is a city in central Greece. It plays as an important setting in many Greek myths, such as the stories of Cadmus, Oedipus, Dionysus and many other important roles in Greek Mythology. The demigod, Hercules has an interesting origin, he is most famous for his 12 labors, and leaves a legacy in words and expressions.
The idea of heroismhas been traced back to centuries of years throughout history. Greek Mythology is the father of this concept of heroism and this concept has continued to grow and develop through stories, writings, and films over the years. Humans have always been intrigued with the idea of heroism which is why many movies, books, and stories are written after this very idea. In Linda Seger’s “Creating the Myth”, she argues there are 10-points into creating every “hero myth”, using Luke Skywalker in Star Wars as her hero myth example; in the film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry follows Seger’s 10-point system of creating a
Greek mythology has been passed on and retold over generations. Literature and movies have been created to entertain as well as provide specific themes based off of myths. There are many heroes that mythology talks about and each one has lived an epic life, but there is one famous hero that has been immortalized throughout history. Hercules is the son of Zeus and a mortal named Alcmene. Zeus impregnated her while her husband was away and this is where his story began. Zeus' wife, Hera, found out about the affair and was outrageous about his careless actions. She tried to prevent Hercules' birth; however, when that didn't work she sent snakes to kill the baby. Hercules was too mighty for the snakes and strangled them before they could even hurt him. As stated in this source, "Hera remained angry. How could she get even? Hera knew that she would lose in a fight, and that she wasn't powerful enough to prevent Zeus from having his way. Hera decided to pay Zeus back for his infidelity by making the rest of Hercules' life as miserable as she could" (Crane WEB). Hercules grew up to be a great young warrior and was all around. With this god-like strength, also came an uncontrollable temper that made him react at times without thinking, but later made him realize the wrongdoings of his violence. He later then married a woman named Megara and had two beautiful children. But one day, Hera instilled a fit of rage into Hercules and made him slaughter his family with his very own hands. He was shocked by his actions and asked Apollo for assistance since he was drowning in guilt. Apollo later then gave him specific tasks to help Hercules redeem himself for the bloodshed he caused. The hero was sent to Eurystheus, and under his strict hand, he was to accomplish twelve labors over the next twelve years.
American Heroes were inspired by Greek Tragic Heroes, yet both are very different from each other, but American Heroes have very similar traits to those who are Contemporary Heroes. An American Hero is a person who seeks justice and always defeats the enemy which results in all people having the justice they deserve. American Heroes also tends to protect all and has the tendency to fall in love with the “ damsel in distress”. This type of hero goes about his daily life, just like anyone else would, until it is time to fight, and at that time, their “supernatural” powers shine through in their fighting techniques. On the other side, all Tragic Heroes possess a flaw that will change their life from a life of happiness to a life of pain and despair. Ordinarily, Contemporary Heroes have nearly the same traits as American Heroes. Contemporary Heroes save and protect many individuals from violence and harm and lives a normal life until they have to face another obstacle. Both American and Contemporary Heroes are able to celebrate their victories, while Tragic Heroes can not do so because they are not victorious.