
White Superiority In Mark Twain's Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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Pakistan has long not allowed women to attend school due to the Islamic regime in the country, it is now considered the social norm for women to not attend school. Malala Yousafzai decided to break this status quo and attend school, however, she was brutally shot in the head by the Taliban. Although, she survived and continues to break the status quo by encouraging women to attend school and has even won the Nobel peace prize for her efforts. Similarly, Twain, Shakespeare, and Dick challenge the status quo though their use of characters to break the status quo of racial superiority in their literary works. In Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the status quo of white superiority is challenged through the use of Huck and Jim’s …show more content…

In Othello, specifically the status quo of white superiority is being challenged. Firstly, the status quo is being challenged when the Duke is praising Othello and defending him from Brabantio's accusations of black magic at Othello. The Duke says he believes that Othello is fair when he says, "If virtue no delighted beauty lack, your son-in-law is far more fair than black" (I.iii.330-331). The Duke by telling Brabantio that even though Othello is black he is still virtuous, which breaks the status quo of white superiority by bringing Othello to the same level of a white person. Secondly, another example of the status quo of white superiority is when Othello is explaining how he managed to win Desdemona over without using black magic. Othello tells the Duke, the Senators, and Brabantio that, "She loved me for the dangers that I passed and I loved her that she did pity them" (I.iii.193-194). Othello is saying that he was actually able to win Desdemona over without doing anything suspicions. This challenges the status quo of racial superiority of whites because Othello because he is black he is assumed to not be able to woo a white girl without doing any type of magic. However, Othello is able to win Desdemona completely using his own stories in the same way that a white man would be able to do …show more content…

In Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep there is a status quo of humans being better than androids. Although, this status quo is challenged multiple times throughout the novel including when Rick finds a toad and brings it home and shows Iran he found a live animal, she notices a panel and they realize that the toad is not actually real. However, instead of just being upset Rick says, “The electric things have their life too. Paltry as those lives are” (Dick, 211). Rick is telling his wife that he believes that he believes that electric things are actually living even though they are not actually real. Even though he is talking about a toad, this quote also also applies to all the androids that Rick now realizes are actually living too, even though they are electric. This breaks the status quo of racial superiority of real people because Rick is finally realizing that androids have a life just as humans do, even though it is generally accepted that androids are below humans because they are not living. Secondly, the status quo of racial superiority is broken when Rick is asking himself about why does he kill androids are they actually more like humans than humans think. Rick even asks himself, “Do androids dream?” (160) Rick is beginning to realize that

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