
White Plague Research Paper

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Consumption, phthisis, scrofula, Pott's disease, and the White Plague are all terms used to refer to tuberculosis throughout history. It is generally accepted that Mycobacterium tuberculosis originated from other, more primitive organisms of the same genus Mycobacterium.
Later on in the 18th century in Western Europe, tuberculosis reached its peak with a prevalence as high as 900 deaths per 100,000. The air was contaminated and the sickness of TUBERCULOSIS hung in the air, overcrowded housing made it worse, places weren’t clean enough to house sick people, there wasn’t enough food, and other risk factors led to the rise. The term White plague emerged around this time.
Evidence of tuberculosis of the cervical lymph nodes or lymph nodes of the neck termed scrofula is found in the Middle ages. It was termed as the “king’s evil” and was widely believed that the kings of England and France could cure scrofula simply by touching those affected
The tubercle bacilli or the causative organism of tuberculosis was demonstrated by Robert Koch in 1882. He showed that …show more content…

And had noticed that fresh air and outdoor living could sometimes change the course of the illness. So naturally rumors surrounded the town in a fury claiming that the West was like Eden. That the West was health-giving, that people who had this disease went out there and became healthy and strong. And we had begun to get this image of the West as a place to go because you would get better. Come West and be cured. Come west and get life. Father was so consumed with fatigue, he could barely get out of bed, much less stand, which means that I couldn’t get him outside and away from this sickened place. The organism causing tuberculosis - Mycobacterium tuberculosis existed 15,000 to 20,000 years ago. It has been found in relics from ancient Egypt, India, and China. Among Egyptian mummies spinal tuberculosis, known as Pott’s disease have been detected by

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