White Castle was the first fast food restaurant being that it was founded in 1921 in Wichita, Kansas. The founders of White Castle built their restaurants so that the customers could see their food being prepared. The McDonald brothers created the second fast food place in 1948 and soon after, many other places like this were being created such as Burger King and Taco Bell which were founded in the 1950’s. Currently there are around 160,000 fast food places in the United States and they feed about 50 million Americans each day. Despite the popularity and convenience of fast food, it can be unhealthy.
First of all, There are many reasons people eat fast food. The main reason is because it is convenient so you don’t have to wait for your food for a long time. If you are in a rush to get somewhere you can always eat fast food, therefore, you can get wherever you need to be faster. Many of these restaurants offer a drive-thru so there is no need to get out of comfort of your car which is especially helpful on days with bad weather or if you have children or animals in the car. Menu options are also a positive, there are a lot of options to choose from so everyone in a family or group will definitely find something they like and at a less expensive price.
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It has a negative reputation for being unhealthy because of the high amounts of sugar, fat, and overall calories which causes obesity. Since fast food restaurants opened, the obesity rate in the United States has climbed to 32% from 10% in the 1950’s. McDonald's has provided
Fast food is unhealthy because it is high in calories and fat. We can see a lot of fast food restaurants in the country. For example, people usually go to Burger King, McDonald´s, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Taco Bell. All these kind of companies damage the health of people. Usually, the citizens consume more than twiece a week, and these can lead them to some diseases. Also, fast food can affect the digestive system. A poor diet trigger digestive problems. For example, it can provoke acid reflux and irritated stomach. Furthermore, it is food poisoring. Fast food restaurants have some food safety violations. For instance, they have inadequate
Fast Food Nation, a book written by Eric Schlosser, gives readers a chance to learn about the fast food industry. The book names in the first part, one of the major founders of the fast food industry. Karl N. Krocher is the founder of Carl’s Jr. which is a very popular fast food chain in California. The remarkable thing about most of the pioneers of our fast food restaurants we have today, is that most of the dropped out of school at an early age and began working at low wage jobs. Later, they would play key roles in the fast food industry that has economically shaped our nation. Fast food provides a cheap and affordable way to feed many people at a low wage. Often times, restaurants would try to lure in kids in order to bring customers to their restaurants. With tasteful food and kid toys often offered in meals, kids were often able to convince their parents to take them to fast food restaurants.
This industry has lied to its customers about the ingredients of the food, yet Americans continue to buy their food. Fast food has increased the health problems of many, but that has not been stopping Americans from eating here either. McDonalds and other fast food establishments have become the new unhealthy epidemic that almost everyone buys, but only few will talk
This article shows which organs and human activity systems are under the effect of fast food. It likewise portrays this effects given such definitive sources as American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and others.
They also offer a false sense of control. You appear to have many choices - a Big Mac, a cheeseburger, a quarter pounder, a double quarter pounder or a "Big 'N' Tasty" - but they're all pre-packaged, frozen, pre-cooked hamburger. If you want to be radical, have fried chicken, fried fish pieces, even flatbread sandwiches. But you have no control over portion size, or the way your meal is cooked. One of the ways we learn who we are is by the choices we make. Americans let this happen. Now fast-food corporations are infiltrating our public schools, in the form of funds in exchange for advertising. The deliberate marketing soft drink and fast-food companies direct at the youngest of children is wrong. It seem that Americans have just become so used to the fact that McDonalds is always there for when they are running late and do not have time to fix dinner. Or to calm their children down if they are acting up. Fast food industries make it so easy for people to be lazy. The number of obese adults and children in America has risen directly alongside the increase of fast-food restaurants and has extracted high personal, physical, and financial cost to the nation. In the end Americans are like guinea pigs for the fast food industries, being used to see what they can do and how far they can go.
Fast food has become a comfort food during struggling economic hardship can provide comfort and reduce stress, increase satisfaction feeling and security. With promotions items or dollar value meals, some families which eat at fast food restaurant can find it cheaper to eat their rather than going to local grocery store and purchase food for the family. Another reason fast foods restaurants have been part of comfort foods is because they have been around for over 50 years, so for generations families have been eating there and can recall found memories of family time together. Consumers don’t like change and fast food restaurants can provide that consistence deliver of goods. Fast Food Chains are easily chosen during times that restrict personal finances, because during those times families still seek to have a way to "escape" the chains that are tightening them towards debt. Fast foods is there are no tipping policies, many often have deals where children under 12 eat free on certain days, many offer coupons through out the week to help save even further.
While most people generally know that fast food is not good for their health, they still eat it for various reasons. Most people that buy fast food are low income, uneducated, and/or are people just trying to save a couple of bucks. However, the people trying to save money by buying fast food will eventually end up spending more money from the cost of doctor 's visits, medicine, etc.
It seems harmless, satisfies your hunger, and is cheap, but really is egregiously unhealthy. The fast food industry is very smart; they have many sly business strategies to make money. They target children and students and make millions of dollars in profit. Each and every day people choose to eat at fast food restaurants because it quick, especially for people with jobs and are always in a hurry, and because it’s delicious; but many do not know the truth behind it and the harmful effects that contributes to eating fast
"We provide food that customers love, day after day after day. People just want more of it”(Ray Kroc, Founder of McDonald’s). Coronary Artery Disease is a type of heart disease and the most common cause of heart attacks. Plaque from eating unhealthy foods, builds up in the arteries, the arteries harden and begin to become narrow and can cause chest pain and heart attacks. Fast food popularity is the amount of customers a fast food establishment has and retains. Popularity is important to fast food establishments because it’s what keeps the company going. The environment is affected by the fast food industry because of the amount of pollution and trash they produce on a daily basis. The fast food industry has a harmful affect on society.
•In the recent times McDonalds has been blamed for the high fat content in its products and many consumers perceive that the food served at their outlets is not healthy. Also, the consumers are becoming increasingly health conscious these days. McDonalds
Besides being overly convenient to obtain, fast food is also quite inexpensive. In today’s economy, an average American cannot afford to sit down at a nice
Tons of negative health effects come from eating fast food. First, obesity is a huge problem in America. The major cause of obesity comes from eating too much fast food. The obesity rates have skyrocketed over the years. Over seventy percent of Americans are overweight or obese. An author elaborated more by expressing their facts and arguing that, “Excess weight in children is a significant global public health issue: 10% of school aged children, and a further 22 million children over 5 years old estimated to be overweight or obese. Child obesity rate levels are rising across the globe”(Kelly 1). The concerns Kelly states specifically supports my point that obesity has gotten out of hand in the U.S. People
So on the way to work they will buy dinner at a fast food restaurant. Places such as McDonalds's, Burger King, and Taco Bell have begun to appear on every street corner. Fast food restaurants made an appearance in America in the 1960's. They have not been around for very long and already the effects are destroying the health of the people in America. This is because people go to what to tastes good and these foods taste good to the kids. When their parents grew up a trip to grandmas for Sunday dinner was a treat and a variety from the meals at home. Today the treat is going out to a fast food restaurant. These foods are usually inexpensive, prepared for the person, and they taste good. The downside to these places is that their food is greasy and high in fat. Both of these are contributors to high blood pressure and high frequency of heart attacks among the American population.
Why do people enjoy eating fast food? Well, it's easy to get too, you don't have to think about it and it's yummy and addictive.
I believe the main reason why you shouldn’t eat fast food is because it causes obesity. However, this may not be the case for all people, depending on their health concerns. Fast food is loaded with carbohydrates, and a lot of carbs is really bad for the body. Once the carbs are broken down inside the body it turns to glucose, and glucose makes your sugar rise. This can also cause diabetes, which comes along with obesity. (Pietrangelo et al.) McDonalds may claim that there are no additives or preservatives in the food, but I highly disagree with this statement. Martin Hickman wrote an online article and he talks about the additives in the