
Where Race Does Not Matter Summary

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Where Race Does Not Matter is a book written by Cecil Foster that examines racism in European countries mainly giving attention to Canada (Foster, 2005). Cecil Foster is a professor of sociology in Canada and has been a victim of racism in the 1980’s and 90’s as he narrates his story where his parents left Barbados in search of a better life and became immigrants. The book by Foster has a chronological analysis of the issue of immigrants and racism starting with the policies that were used in the past to the policies and procedures that are used today which he terms in his book as the modern era. The primary purpose that Foster strives to achieve in this book is to publicize by laying facts down, the merits of multiculturalism which he firmly …show more content…

The aggregate value that has been cultivated in the country plays a great role in determining the patriotism of its people. According to Where Race Does Not Matter, Foster stresses that the countries values are developed by the policies and rules that a state enacts. Several benefits are linked with patriotism such as productivity. Studies have proved people who are more patriotic to their nation in being more productive and efficient as such people utilize their countries resources with the good of the country at heart. They ensure that the fruits of their activities trickle down to their countrymen leading to growth in the …show more content…

Research conducted proves that at least 35 percent of the Canadian research leaders are foreign-born and the immigrant population in Canada wins a proportionately higher number of prestigious art awards as compared to the rest of the population. The study also proved that Canada experienced a larger amount of trade revenues from countries that the immigrants come from than the rest of the global countries (Canada, 2013). The immigrants also provide vital information for the Canadian companies owing to their cultural base that provides for originality and uniqueness in the

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