
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Character Analysis

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“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been” is a story by Joyce Carol Oates about a fifteen year old girl named Connie who was blindsided by her self-conceit, and that negatively affected her apprehension of the real world. Connie is too busy with her appearance to care about anything else. She likes going out with her friends, watching movies, going into stores, hanging out at drive-ins and like any typical teenager, meeting boys. One night, she gets invited to eat at the drive-in by a boy named Eddie. She leaves her girl friends and spends three hours with him, in an alley and at the drive-in. While in the parking lot with Eddie, she notices a guy staring at her. She turns away but he was still watching, and while wagging his finger says, “gonna get you, baby” (Oates 978). She hurries away and does not think too much of it. On a Sunday, Connie’s family was getting ready to go to a family barbeque. Connie rolled her eyes and didn’t want to accompany her family so they decided to leave her at home by herself. While Connie was home, she washed her hair and listened to the radio. She gets scared when she hears a car coming down her up her driveway. When the car finally stops, she hears a honk four times. When Connie goes to see who it is, it’s two guys sitting in a jalopy. The one driving gets out and starts talking to her, and she shows him no interest. The man introduces …show more content…

They have no particular interest, and are mostly disconnected from their family, in anything that has to do with outside of their social lives. Oates does a fairly great job in portraying the typical adolescent female through the main character, Connie. Connie is described as a teenager with a split personality; “everything about her had two sides to it, one for home and one for anywhere that was not home” (Oates

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