
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been Summary

Decent Essays

he power that the female cultivates in her adolescent years during the prime of her sexual awakening is alarming. The theme of adolescent females not realizing the power that comes with their sexual awakening can be noted in two different short stories, An Ounce of Cure and Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?
In the short story An Ounce of Cure the unnamed female protagonist, who is going to be referred to as “the girl”, struggles with her emotions as she gets the first taste of what having a significant other is like. After a devastating breakup with her two month old boyfriend, the girl becomes lost and numb in her own little world becoming severely depressed and not wanting to seek any outside help. She is from a small southern town where it is looked down upon to drink an alcoholic beverage. Meanwhile, in Where Are You Going, Where …show more content…

Connie is a self assured teenage girl. She is always flaunting her looks, her clothes, her hair. She’s that one girl that sticks out in a group of friends. She just so happened to stick out to a particular male, Arnold Friend, one night while she was with a boy. “Gonna get you, baby.” (Oates 372) and that was all he said to taunt her. When Arnold Friend showed up at Connie’s house while her family was away at a family barbeque, Connie was not amused, she was actually getting dizzy with fear. She wanted to make it seem like she had “... no interest or pleasure..” (Oates 374) when speaking to him. Arnold Friend knew things about her, her family’s whereabouts, and her neighbor, all because he had stalked and followed her closely for weeks probably. There was nothing Connie could have done to prevent Arnold Friend’s appearance on her doorstep. Incidents of stalking happen all the time in the real world which is why there are restraining orders. But how was Connie suppose to know that she needed a restraining order on some guy that she glanced at once while she was out with her

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