
When We Talk About Love By Raymond Carver Analysis

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When it comes to love, every person has a different definition. The majority of people do not think about this pressing question, “what is love?” To each person, love has a unique meaning. In Raymond Carver’s “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love”, four friends: Mel, Terri, Laura and Nick, are gathered around a table discussing love. Each one of the characters has their own point of view on love. “The four of us were sitting around his kitchen table drinking gin. Sunlight filled the kitchen from the big windows behind the sink” (Carver 228). Terri, Mel’s wife, begins to give her opinion on what love is, and talks about her previous relationship with a man named Ed. In her relationship with Ed, she explains how she was beaten, dragged, and verbally abused. When she is talking about these instances, Mel interrupts with “My God, don’t be silly. That’s not love, you know it” (Carver 229). To Terri, the fact that Ed was willing to “die for her” showed her how much he loved her. Terri’s point of view of …show more content…

Nature. Each of the four friends has their own idea of what love might be, but each of them knows there is more to love that what they believe. There is something supernatural about love, something that words cannot describe. As the story progresses the four friends find it harder and harder to truly describe what love is. Over the course of the story the four friends get more intoxicated, and the setting also becomes dimmer. “The sunshine inside the room was different now, changing, getting thinner. But the leaves on the trees outside the window were still shimmering, and I stared at the pattern they made on the panes and on the Formica counter” (Carver 235). Love is one of the most confusing things in the world; it is impossible to hold, touch, taste, or hear love. Love is not an object, love is something that is in us and is all around us. Their struggle with describing love raises many questions for the

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