
When We Talk About Love By Raymond Carver Analysis

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Throughout Raymond Carver’s “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love,” we are presented with the story of two different marital couples; Nick and Laura who are still in their honeymoon phase. In addition to, Mel and Terri who have been through many obstacles throughout their five-year relationship that reverberates throughout the story. This story takes place within a sole place were these couples deliberate between each other and what love really looks like. During their back and forth conversations, we’re given a dynamic background information on their previous relationships which shape how they believe real love is like. From Terri’s ex-Ed who was in an all-consuming love for her that he would physically mistreat her, pursue and hound her and Mel until it led to his suicide. Where in contrast, to Mel, we’re told about his complete loathing towards his ex-wife even to the point of hoping for her untimely death to be free of her for good. Be that as it may, through their dialogue they’re persistently consuming liquor at a high-level intake which starts to alter the mood into a foreshadowing emotional high point that concludes this …show more content…

With Mel being a cardiologist, he uses an experience he went through with a patient to contrast Terri’s belief of Ed’s love for her in order to demonstrate what true love looks like. It all starts, when an elderly couple was driving on the interstate before being gravely crashed into by an intoxicated kid, while the latter passed away from his injuries, the couple themselves were mangled so severely they’re put into a full body cast. Even though they were fortunate enough to survive the total ordeal, Mel began to observe that the elderly man was highly depressed for the reason that being completely cast was preventing him from looking at his

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