
When Art And Religion Collide

Better Essays

Nelson Gonzalez
ENG 125
Prof. Michael Amey

When Art and Religion Collide: My Name is Asher Lev

My Name is Asher Lev, by Chaim Potok, tells a story about a Hasid, young man driven by a great passion: drawing. The character Asher Lev is presented within a Hasidic, Jewish community. These Hasidic communities are very conservative in many aspects; they care deeply and influence their members in a lot of decisions they make in life. The Rebbes of the Jews is the man whose members of the community go to quite often for advice, as Asher’s uncle Yitzchok said to Aryeh, “People go to the Rebbe because they have a cold” (30). The relevance of the Rebbe is shown in very early stages of the book when, for example, Asher’s father explains to him how …show more content…

Asher’s personality is very intelligently described in the beginning of the book, when he argues with his dad that “drawing is not foolishness” (12). He also tends to talk back to his authorities, and often expresses his disagreements towards their ideas. This sort of behavior is very unusual for a boy his age, coming from Hasid traditions. Asher is very curious, constantly asking questions, to the point where it can be of irritation to his father. He sees the world differently, and he draws it as such. As a young boy, his mother asks Asher to “draw the world prettier”, but he refused. He claims that the world is not beautiful to him, and therefore he won’t draw it as such. This almost rebel-like behavior isn’t generally accepted in Asher’s community. He doesn’t want to follow the standards that are set and that he’s told he should follow, but he’d rather express his art as he sees it to be the most representative.
Asher has a profound connection with art, even in early stages of his childhood. It is his way of interacting with the world around him, his form of expression. Asher’s way of seeing the world generally doesn’t align with how his authorities want him to see it. At first, it is his mother who asks him to draw the world “prettier”, but he refuses, and later when he draws the pictures for the Mashpia. The drawings for the Mashpia are significant because they represent how much art really meant to Asher. Drawing those pictures made him

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