
What´s The Principle Of Impartiality?

Satisfactory Essays

(a) The Principle of Impartiality states that persons should be treated the same unless there is a relevant difference between them. The Principle of Impartiality is based on many ideas. One of these ideas is that because persons are equally persons, then their interests should also be counted equally. The following is an example of the Principle of Impartiality. John and Alice are two students in a class. John is an Alabama fan and Alice is an Auburn fan. They both study and complete all of the homework. They both make A’s in the class. They receive the same grade because there is no relevant difference between them. (b) Relevant difference is a difference that explains why one person deserves to be treated differently from another person. People are all different, from hair color to height and weight. These differences may or may not …show more content…

Let’s say, in the previous example, that Alice was older than Janet. How old a person is does not indicate their skill level, therefore the fact that Alice is older than Janet is not a relevant difference to their placement in the recital. Another example is where Alice and Bob were asking a friend for a football game ticket. The friend gave the ticket to Alice because she was an Auburn fan and the ticket was for an Auburn game. The fact that Alice was an Auburn fan and Bob was an Alabama fan was a relevant difference in the decision to whom the ticket would go. (d) I do not think that DACA violates the Principle of Impartiality. The Principle of Impartiality states that persons should be treated the same unless there is a relevant difference between them. The relevant difference in this situation is the fact that those who came to the U.S. as children and are under DACA did not have autonomy over the decision to immigrate illegally to the U.S. This decision was made for them by parental figures in their

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