
What is the Lean Startup Methodology in Research?

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The Lean startup methodology was used for this study.Software process models are getting changed constantly; this is with a belief that well defined process models always help to get the success to any company. (Ries, n.d.) Lean Startup provides a scientific approach to creating and managing startups and gets a desired product to customers' hands faster. There are multiple methodologies which have been in software development for last several years. Waterfall, Agile development methodology being considered two important methodologies.Lean and Agile share many of the same principles and many agile principles are borrowed from Lean thinking (Chan, July 25, 2013).Lean startup is an approach to business development that is based on the principles of lean production, a manufacturing methodology that values a business' ability to change quickly. The lean startup methodology is a set of strategies designed to unwind the uncertainties in and around innovation. Lean startup (Rouse, n.d.)is building a prototype quickly, getting it to market to gauge success of the product without expending unnecessary resources and use the data generated by early marketing testing to influence the next build phase. In programming, the approach is called Agile. Lean/Agile culture is the belief that feedback cycles rapidly - where feedback is meant to be in the form of reactions from the clients, prospects and users importantly – are required to discover the important but false assumptions often

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