
What You Pawn I will Redeem

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Essay 1: “What You Pawn, I Will Redeem” Sherman Alexie’s "What you Pawn, I Will Redeem" appears on the surface to be a simply written story of a homeless, alcoholic Indian in Seattle who is trying to earn enough money to reclaim his grandmothers Pow Wow regalia from a local pawn shop. But upon looking closely, there are many symbolic passages that my lead a person to much deeper conclusions. Throughout the story there are many clues that hint at the fact that this quest may not have been real, but a more "spiritual" experience for him. It could be argued that Jackson Jackson was on a modern day vision quest. In the introduction of the story, Jackson bluntly describes himself as a homeless Indian who “...married two or three times, …show more content…

In the story, we are introduced to the three Aleut fishermen. Immediately before their appearance, Jackson is sitting by the water. Alexie writes "...salt always smells like memory." (13). This statement indicates that the following encounter with the Aleuts may be a part of his delusional encounter as well. Although not fully rounded characters, they contribute to his tale. Throughout the story, the three Aleuts are also longing and searching for their home,

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