To me, compassion means to show sympathy for someone that is feeling pain; physically or emotionally. Compassion also means to show kindness to one another when in rough times. When an individual shows compassion to someone else, they comfort them, or make them feel better. It can also mean when someone sees need for one, and helps them. For example, a sign of compassion can be donating to a homeless shelter. Therefore, compassion can be expressed in many ways. Compassion is like a contagious illness. If you get it, you give it and if everyone showed compassion, everyone would receive it. Compassion is very important. I think Elie Wiesel was talking about compassion for many reasons. When I think of compassion, I think of sympathy. Sympathy is very important to people in rough times. Elie Wiesel is talking about compassion because it is important to understand what the victims of the Holocaust felt and went through. Since Elie Wiesel survived the Holocaust, he understands what others went through including him. He wants others to realize that it is very important to show compassion to prevent another Holocaust from happening. Many events in society have impacted other people. Some of the acts or events could be major …show more content…
Compassion can be showed as a human right but not necessarily is. A human right is the freedom you deserve. Compassion isn’t much of a freedom but everyone deserves compassion. Sadly, not everyone shows and gives compassion. In rough times, it is not so easy to show compassion if you are not getting it back yourself. If everyone showed compassion, everyone would deserve it, making compassion a human right. Unfortunately, like I said, not everyone shows compassion to others that need it. So in the end, if you show compassion, you deserves, so it is a human right, for you. If you are one that does not show compassion, you don’t deserve it. All in all,Compassion is a human right to those who show
Although I disagree with Gadfly’s definition of compassion as “making people feel good,” I agree that this definition of compassion would generally be an enemy of justice. If compassion simply entails “making people feel good” then compassionate people would find it incredibly difficult to carry out justice because upholding the law would requiring making people unhappy by punishing them. However, if compassion is about “making people feel good,” then letting criminals go “scot-free” would not necessarily be compassionate since it wouldn't make the wronged party feel good. Additionally, Gadfly’s definition of compassion is decidedly ambiguous as he first juxtaposes justice with “making people feel good” and then references “real pity” rather
Compassion is learned through experience and seeing those less fortunate; it brings out sympathy because one cannot ignore it when unfortunate people are everywhere.
Compassion is “a sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it” (Compassion, n.d., para 1). The experience working alongside the nurse caring for this author’s gravely ill great aunt motivated her to become a nurse. The nurse’s attentiveness, professional demeanor, and compassion was inspiring. The nurse went above and beyond her call of duty, to ensure that this author’s family received the support needed during a difficult time. This author experienced an epiphany
Compassion is not a one sided emotion. One does not simply have compassion on someone else and not feel any compassion personally. Having compassion on yourself can boost your self-esteem as well as your spiritual life. I learned about this first hand while I was on three different mission trips to the City of Children in Baja California, Mexico. My heart ached for the children living there, but in all actuality they were, for the most part, happier to be there than the neglected homes they came from. Through all their struggles, they had
Compassion. What is it? Is it donating some food cans to the less fortunate? Or is it giving a helping hand to those more vulnerable? Well, fortunately for me, I got the great privilege to see the true meaning of compassion with my own eyes. I was recently at a restaurant with my mother as we were ready to checkout for our items; when the family in front of us was having trouble with their declined credit cards. In the beginning my mother and I did not pay a lot of attention to their situation.She started taking items out of their cart to be able to pay for her bill. My mother and I were overwhelmed with the fact that a family cannot go to the grocery store and buy everything they need and want. But when the mother started taking out the
Compassion is defined as the devotion of not only one’s time, but also attention in the care of another. This action can be towards an acquaintance as well as an unfamiliar individual; with no one being treated any differently. Nursing is a career that requires compassion to be incorporated throughout the work day; these inspiring individuals care for multiple patients at any given time and do so with the upmost respect as they provide their undivided attention to their needs. Compassion is important because it allows oneself to not only have sympathy for others, but also to do so without a requirement of praise. Compassion is an integral part of not only my life but also in my employment history.
Practice of compassion benefit individual on emotional and spiritual levels as long as contributing to the wellbeing of the whole society. Individuals who use to do the things for
“Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learned how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future,” quoted from Nelson Mandela. Exhibiting compassion to others can appear in countless ways and can have a positive impact on their lives. Firstly, we need to understand the term, compassion is having sympathy towards others and having a desire to help soothe the pain. For example, a victim of domestic violence. Majority of the time the partner is terrified or threatened not to report this and/or neglect that they're being abused, not only does this impact their psychological well being from the constant abuse it could strain the relationship with their (if the couple
Compassion means for someone to show that they care about someone. It also means to forgive and to understand. When you have compassion you show that you understand. You can show compassion by helping someone when they need it. It means you will be there for someone when they need you. When you show compassion you care for someone else.
The construct we will measure and explore is compassion. The definition of compassion includes the “awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it” (Radey and Figley, 2007). Compassion is a deep sense associated with altruism and feelings that include condolence, pity, and empathy. We got the idea of compassion when coming up with traits that would be beneficial in a social aspect when dealing with others, especially in difficult moments. The trait compassion was focused on when looking at the traits that we believe are important to have when focusing on the concern of others. It is Compassion is an important trait to have because it is strongly tied to other concern and connect to others. It is important to have
It is because of this that I learned my personal definition of compassion. The cool fact of this is that it is in my leadership philosophy that we learn to be better leaders by those who we lead and the relationships we have. I learned compassion from my friends as they helped me through my rough times. When trying to buy a thank you gift for a friend, I realized compassion is all the little things you do. Compassion is carrying someone's backpack because they are on crutches. Compassion is telling someone they look good in that dress. Compassion is remembering the tiny details about someone such as their favorite gum. Compassion is showing you care and can empathized with
A moment of compassion towards others can change your entire day, but a string of such moments can change the course of life. In my view compassion towards others is very significant in one’s life. Being able to understand someone’s suffering is very difficult unless, you yourself have experienced something, which can relate to that person. Similarly even I didn’t have any experience understanding what someone’s suffering could be like until I met those kids in the orphanage. I envied others and felt as if the whole world is happy, and that it was only me who had happiness missing in my life.
humans are selfish. the bad in human nature outways the good. yet when we are born we possess the trait to be ccompassionate. compassion is often confused with empathy , guilt and just plain selfishness. recent studies argue for a different take on human nature, one that rejects the distintion of self intrest.there are several different ways to feel compassionate and just as many reasons to feel that way. compassion is the sympathetic pity an concern for the suffering of others. yet soomethig that i am compassionate about could mean nothing to you. if you see an elderly woman trip and fall you are more likely to feel sorry for her than if a young man had. but why? is that a trait that is instilled in your brain ?second nature? or is that a
The article, “Compassion: Our First Instinct” and the videos, “How do You Define Yourself” and “ No one Dines Alone” expanded my knowledge about compassion by teaching me that compassion is a skill everyone has that can improve their mental health and that to show compassion to others you first have to show it to yourself.
Therefore, compassion is best understood as an action, or potential action. Imagine a world where everyone lived in an awareness of other people’s suffering and acted in order to relieve it. It is called justice and it is just us who can bring justice, but it must be driven not by care, but by compassion. Compassion literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, it is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering. Compassion is not the same as empathy or altruism, though the concepts are related. While empathy refers more generally to our ability to take the perspective of and feel the emotions of another person, compassion is when those feelings and thoughts include the desire to help. Altruism, in turn, is the kind, selfless behavior often prompted by feelings of compassion, though one can feel compassion without acting on it, and altruism isn’t always motivated by compassion. While cynics may dismiss compassion as