
What Was The Importance Of Compassion In Night By Elie Wiesel

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To me, compassion means to show sympathy for someone that is feeling pain; physically or emotionally. Compassion also means to show kindness to one another when in rough times. When an individual shows compassion to someone else, they comfort them, or make them feel better. It can also mean when someone sees need for one, and helps them. For example, a sign of compassion can be donating to a homeless shelter. Therefore, compassion can be expressed in many ways. Compassion is like a contagious illness. If you get it, you give it and if everyone showed compassion, everyone would receive it. Compassion is very important. I think Elie Wiesel was talking about compassion for many reasons. When I think of compassion, I think of sympathy. Sympathy is very important to people in rough times. Elie Wiesel is talking about compassion because it is important to understand what the victims of the Holocaust felt and went through. Since Elie Wiesel survived the Holocaust, he understands what others went through including him. He wants others to realize that it is very important to show compassion to prevent another Holocaust from happening. Many events in society have impacted other people. Some of the acts or events could be major …show more content…

Compassion can be showed as a human right but not necessarily is. A human right is the freedom you deserve. Compassion isn’t much of a freedom but everyone deserves compassion. Sadly, not everyone shows and gives compassion. In rough times, it is not so easy to show compassion if you are not getting it back yourself. If everyone showed compassion, everyone would deserve it, making compassion a human right. Unfortunately, like I said, not everyone shows compassion to others that need it. So in the end, if you show compassion, you deserves, so it is a human right, for you. If you are one that does not show compassion, you don’t deserve it. All in all,Compassion is a human right to those who show

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