
What Was The Impact Of The Civil Rights Movement

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The civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s was a time when a variety of strategies were used to combat violent oppression and injustice roamed throughout the United States. Through the work of various different groups, the fight for justice was won in terms of economic justice. Before the movement began, the inequality of blacks was evident throughout the southern states. During the movement, the violence gained steam, as riots and protests broke out from both sides of the issue.
To begin, federal legislation had a drastic change on the economic justice for blacks in America. The law preventing discrimination in the workplace had a crucial effect in South Carolina’s government. Specifically, South Carolina’s textile industry drastically changed. The industry’s workforce jumped from under five percent before the bill, to over twenty percent after the bill’s passing. In other states …show more content…

The integration of southern schools was shown to have significant effects within the local population. According to economists studying the long term effects of the integration, African American students gained from improved graduation rates, test scores, income, health status and lower representation in jails and prisons. These statistics did not come with the burden of lowering these effects for white southerners, as they maintained their growing economic status and performance in school. This desegregation did not serve anyone negatively, but rather implemented an additional gain for the betterment of the United States. At the time, these statistics did not appear to be significant, as the United States was recovering from an economic recession shortly before the Civil Rights Movement. Even though the African American and the White population were effected differently from the recession, they were both able to rebound and progress economically through a variety of

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