
What The Bible Means To Me

Decent Essays

My understanding of the Bible is that it is a gift from God. The Bible is a group of stories, it has accurate history, scientific facts, prophecy and beautiful songs of praise. The Bible explains how and why humans were created it reveals the purpose of our life. The information in the Bible is how God revealed himself to me.
One way God revealed himself in my life was being admitted to Edward Waters College. I had no idea that college was possible for someone like me. I grew up raised by my grandmother who took us in at a time when our parents were unable to care for us. There were many of us in a small house and it took faith for our survival on limited income. As Ientered my senior year of high school, we had no idea how to provide …show more content…

I didn't know I was eligible; applied late to receive the news that the financial aid which would assist me in paying for my tuition, and with that I also received a Pell Grant and many other blessings along the way.
God reveals himself to speak to man based on faith. The Bible states in Author, Donald Miller in one of the book "Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance: Finding God on the
· Open Road" quoted in one of his books, "When we switch from a loud, showy public faith to a private, quiet faith, we will find God begins to work and we don't have to work as hard." (Miller, 2013) He supports faith in God based of maybe a trial or tribulation that he faced in his life and God stepped in to work the situation out. This quote means to me that when I step back and just let God work for me, new beginnings will be revealed to me. A scripture in the Bible quotes,
Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." God revealed himself to man to show that even in doubt and hard times; he will be there in spite of. I

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