
What Role Does The Moon Play In The Solar System

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The Moon and Earth have a very unique role in the solar system. Earth is really the only terrestrial planet with a large moon compared to the other planets that are closest to the Sun.
One important key factor is the noticeable effect the Moon has on the Earths tides; which are caused by the Moons gravity.
As we learned earlier on how the Moon formed it was much closer to the Earth , and appeared to be at least ten times larger in the sky. Over the course of time the tidal effects have become not as strong as they were before. This may have also had some important geological effects that are keeping the Earths magma hot and creating additional convection for the Earths mantle.
As I said earlier the multitude of dark basins on the Moon are …show more content…

None of the other terrestrial planets like Mercury or Venus has a moon, but Mars has two small moons that were captured asteroids.
Pluto, a white dwarf, and its moon Charon have a somewhat similar size; which could be comparable to the Earth-Moon system.
There are many other large moons that orbit gas giants, but those are thought to have formed rather differently.
For instance Jupiter has 64 other moons, and the most well known ones are Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede; which were discovered by Galileo with his telescope.
Saturn also has a moon called Titan and it has its very own atmosphere.
Many of the Moons that are farther from the Sun are made of gas, dust, and ice form ring.
If the Moon did not exist the Earth would wobble violently. The shifts in the angle of the Earths tilt of 23.5 degrees would lead to affecting the Earth's climate dramatically. The Moon helps stabilizes the Earth tilt; which in turn does not affect the climate.
Because of the tilt of the Earth it has warm climates and cold climates, and a range in between. Having a stable climate on the Earth allows a multitude of species to be able to

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