The Moon and Earth have a very unique role in the solar system. Earth is really the only terrestrial planet with a large moon compared to the other planets that are closest to the Sun.
One important key factor is the noticeable effect the Moon has on the Earths tides; which are caused by the Moons gravity.
As we learned earlier on how the Moon formed it was much closer to the Earth , and appeared to be at least ten times larger in the sky. Over the course of time the tidal effects have become not as strong as they were before. This may have also had some important geological effects that are keeping the Earths magma hot and creating additional convection for the Earths mantle.
As I said earlier the multitude of dark basins on the Moon are
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None of the other terrestrial planets like Mercury or Venus has a moon, but Mars has two small moons that were captured asteroids.
Pluto, a white dwarf, and its moon Charon have a somewhat similar size; which could be comparable to the Earth-Moon system.
There are many other large moons that orbit gas giants, but those are thought to have formed rather differently.
For instance Jupiter has 64 other moons, and the most well known ones are Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede; which were discovered by Galileo with his telescope.
Saturn also has a moon called Titan and it has its very own atmosphere.
Many of the Moons that are farther from the Sun are made of gas, dust, and ice form ring.
If the Moon did not exist the Earth would wobble violently. The shifts in the angle of the Earths tilt of 23.5 degrees would lead to affecting the Earth's climate dramatically. The Moon helps stabilizes the Earth tilt; which in turn does not affect the climate.
Because of the tilt of the Earth it has warm climates and cold climates, and a range in between. Having a stable climate on the Earth allows a multitude of species to be able to
238,900 miles away, the earth’s moon is one that is truly unique. With a given age of about 4.5 billion years the Earth serves a major role in real life and in the book Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer. When catastrophe strikes, Earth takes a turn for the worst and great natural disasters occur. Thousands die, but there are a number of survivors. If there are survivors, how beneficial is the moon actually? What would happen if the moon had been destroyed? How necessary is it for human survival? The Moon, is a great benefactor to human survival because of the benefits earth gets from it.
what is the second largest moon in the Jovian System is Jupiter’s moon, Callisto! It was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. It orbits beyond Jupiter’s radiation belts.
craters. The smaller moons of Saturn, are mostly rock and ice, and are heavily cratered.
Despite Plutos dwarf planet status it still hosts several moons. Its biggest moon Charon is almost as big as Pluto so it was beleived to be a double planet. Also Pluto's moon Charon may have an ocean on it the gravitational force of Pluto to Charon strethces the moons insides warming it enough to possibly have a moon.
In the Solar System there is nine planets total counting Pluto and eight not counting pluto. Named after the Greek god of the underworld Pluto is the ninth of the nine planets from the sun. Pluto was discovered in February 18, 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. Plutos the only orbit planet in the Solar System after it was classified as an orbit planet back in 2006. The planet has nine moons total Charon, Hydra, Nix, Kerberos, and Styx. Although Pluto is the largest Dwarf Planet it's smaller than most moon of the other planets. Alongside Pluto is the eighth planet from the sun otherwise known as Neptune. Due to its blue coloration Neptune was named after the Roman god of the Sea. While neptunes the third largest planet with respect to mass, according to diameter it's the fourth largest. Neptune has 14 moons and a very thin collection of rings that are made up of ice and dust
Saturn is unique of all the planets, adorned with thousands of beautiful ringlets and has 63 moons with confirmed orbits. Fifty-three of the moons have been named, with Titan being the largest and the only one with an atmosphere. Saturn is mostly a massive ball of hydrogen and helium, much like the planet Jupiter.
In 1610 on the 7th of January four moons, called the Galilean moons were discovered by Galileo Galilei. Using his homemade telescope he observed them for many nights, he drew notes and recorded the movement in a journal (Figure 3). Ganymede is one of the largest, most well-known moons of Jupiter and it is also the largest satellite in our solar system. It is larger than Mercury and Pluto, and three quarters the size of Mars. If Ganymede didn’t orbit Jupiter as moon it would easily be classified as a planet.
The other 22 are further away and some are smaller than Pluto. One of the largest moons is Titania and is covered with small craters. The second largest moon is Arial, it has craters, valleys and canyons on it. The darkest moon orbiting Uranus is Umbriel.
The only limit on the size of the moons of a planet is that they must be smaller than the planet. Thus, it is coincidence that Jupiter's and Saturn's large moons are as small as they are: if Jupiter happened to have a moon one-fourth of its own size (as Earth does), that moon would be larger than Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury and Pluto, and all of these “planets” would have to be classified as asteroids. If Jupiter happened to have a moon half its own size (as Pluto does), that moon would be larger than all of the other planets except Saturn, and we would have a two-planet solar system with seven very large asteroids. The problems with this classification criterion are that they are arbitrary and non-general.
The moon is by far the biggest and most easily recognizable object in earth’s atmosphere that can be perceived by the naked eye on a cloudless night. It is hypothesized that it came into existence nearly 4.5 billion years ago, from residual debris after a planetary body collided with earth. Although, considered the runner-up to the sun as the second brightest object in the sky, its illumination is deceitful, insomuch as the moon is not a source of light, but instead reflects the sun’s illumination from the half of the moon that is in direct alignment with the sun at that time. More readily identified as a satellite of the earth rather than as a planet itself or even a star, it has a diameter a quarter of the size of earth’s size and it
The film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) incorporates both the moon and Jupiter through the film. At the beginning ape like creatures habit the earth and feed on plants and interact with hog like animals. Soon shows up an object called monolith and this creates a shift in evolution. This is where the moon also associated with Artemis is displayed. Artemis is the goddess of hunting and lunar incarnation. The
Jupiter: Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and is also the largest. It has 67 known moons and one One orbit of the Sun takes Jupiter 11.86 Earth years
Galileo spacecraft first discovered the four largest moon of Jupiter, called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Ganymede and Callisto. Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System Atmosphere And Planetary Composition: Temperature Range: The cloud-tops average 120 K=153*C=-244*F. Atmosphere: Jupiter is a gaseous planet; it does not have a solid surface like the Earth does (but probably has a solid, rocky core 10 to 15 times the mass of the Earth). When we look at Jupiter, we are seeing icy clouds of gases moving at high speeds in the atmosphere. Jupiter's atmosphere is composed of about 90% hydrogen and 10% helium.
The moon is a giant ball of rock in our sky. The moon came to be where it is now when a giant, mars sized “proto plantet” as such, smashed into earth sending tons of molten rock flying into space and slowly the moon began to form from that rock. The moon affects our planet in many ways. It affects the oceans tides by pulling water toward where ever it is. Also it has an effect on how long each day is because it slows down the earths spinning by orbiting in the opposite direction. If the moon moon were only 10% further away from earth than it is today the earth would wobble and we would be totally out of place. If the moon was closer to earth, and it depends how much closer, but if it was about 20 times closer the earth would spin much slower
On Earth we have one moon to look at during the night. Can you imagine looking at 50 or 60 moons at night? If we lived on Jupiter, that’s what we would see! Jupiter has 50 definite moons. There are 17 moons scientists are still examining to make sure that they are moons. Some are smaller than 1.5 miles in diameter! Jupiter’s four largest moons, and four first discovered, are known as the Galilean moons, named after their discoverer Galileo Galilee in 1610.