
What Role Does Jem Play In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the beginning of the novel Jem is described as young childish boy who spends his time playing silly games with his sister Scout and his friend Dill. For example, during the summer Jem would play with Scout and Dill to pass time and in one of their games they would pretend to be the Radleys’ and “When it was time to play Boo’s big scene, Jem would sneak into the house, steal scissors from the sewing-machine drawer when Calpurnia’s back was turned, then sit in the swing and cut up newspapers… Jem would fake a plunge into Dill’s thigh”(53). Jem was the one who made this game up and he only invented it to replay what had happened with the Radleys, he didn’t put much thought into it he just did it to have fun he even “[sneaked] into the house” to “steal scissors… when Calpurnia’s back was turned” showing how he furtively went around getting things he was not suppose too just as a small child would. …show more content…

He treated Boo as if he was some sort of monster and not someone who was just like him but of course he does not recognize this because he is a blameless child. However this is not the only occasion where he deals with Boo Radley, he even attempted bringing him out of his house and “Jem looked up the sidewalk to Dill who nodded. Jem attached the note to the end of the fishing pole, let the pole out across the yard and pushed it toward the window he had selected”(63-64). Jem is only doing this because he wants to see Boo’s disposition, he is so desperately curious that he “attached the note to the end of the fishing pole” just to get it to one of Boos’

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