
What Role Does Gender Play In Ethical Behavior

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Synthesis Paper Ethical behavior is shared by all. It is simply understood that society as a whole are not perfect and the struggle to do the right thing for the right reason is becoming more or less further apart from what’s expected. Ideally, these three articles relate to ethical and or unethical behaviors of individuals, businesses and vendors. The unethical behavior and fiscal mismanagement of nonprofit organizations led U.S. Senate Finance Committee to analyze their behaviors. Gender may play an exclusive role in certain ethical behaviors. Women may be more in touch with their ethical behaviors than men. And last, ethical behavior among top leaders are visible and seen by their employees. These ethical or unethical behaviors among the top leaders of organizations could possibly make or break an organization. The ultimate goal of …show more content…

Does gender play a role in the behavior of individuals, holding them accountable for their ethical actions? Wang et al., (2015) also examined the possibility that the results for gender were not clear-cut but reflected the effect of gender on ethical awareness and behavior. Furthermore, gender as described, is an individual factor impacting moral judgments. Influenced by a variety of individual factors, moral judgment is the outcome of the ethical decision making process. Smith and Richard (2007) examined the fact that nonprofit organizations were analyzed and held accountable for their actions revealing that these organizations did not use charitable dollars efficiently as possible advancing their charitable mission. The United Way, William Aramony scandal and more recently, Oral Suer, former chief executive of United Way, was sent to prison for 27 months for his unethical role. All of this may have been an awakening for this analyzed investigation. With these types of behavior, there was a need to examine and adhere to accountability within nonprofit

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