
What Role Did Gameball Play In The Elizabethan Era

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Some games played by Elizabethan was archery,tag,battledore,bowls,culf, and gameball. Archery is very popular sport during her time and still is.Tag was a game played by kids just like it is today where one person is it and chases everyone and tries to tag them. Battledore is like the modern day badminton where a game with rackets in which a shuttlecock is played back and forth across a net.Bowls is a sport in which the objective is to roll biased balls so that they stop close to a smaller ball called a "jack".Gameball is just like the modern day game football.This rustic game, which is still extant in some parts of England, was sometimes called "the nine men's merrils," from merelles, or miereaux, an ancient French word for the jettons or counters with which it was played. The other term, morris, is …show more content…

The time she ruled in was named the Elizabethan Age after her. In her reign she faced three main wars. They were: The Desmond Rebellion, the English War against Spain and the Tyrone Rebellion. The English war against Spain lasted from 1585 – 1603 (18 years). The Spanish believed that Elizabeth, because she was Protestant, was a heretic and that she should be disposed of. They wanted England under their control, so that they could force them back into Catholicism. Fortunately for Elizabeth, the Spanish Armada was defeated.
The weapons during her time are nothing like what we have today.The crossbow was a small hand held bow that was easier to shoot. The rapier swords and axes were very different some where long with a saw blade edge and others might have spikes and look like a hammer.The rapier was the weapon of choice for most fighters because of the wide choice to pick from for different types of wars.Once the crossbow was invented it changed the way of fighting. You could be hidden and farther away to fight and less people died. With this invention it made wars fought from long distances no up next to the

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