
What Really Happened To George Orwell's Big Brother?

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Does Big Brother even exist and why is this figure called Big Brother? To me, Big Brother comes off as a trustworthy name to look up to hence the name “Big Brother”. Big Brother comes off to me as a comfort name, someone who looks over you, protects you and has your back no matter what. Then again, the saying “War is at peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength” comes off as dictating and controlling compared to the name Big Brother. So, who exactly is Big Brother since people are so frightened by him? The party could have just made him up to intimate the people and scare people to get their control and power over everyone. Right off the bat, Big Brother reminds me of Stalin's Soviet Union. In class, we talked about how if you didn’t …show more content…

There’s always that “what if” feeling in the back of your head so people are scared to take any chances and I know I would be scared to take any chances just incase. Also, with posters everywhere saying that “Big Brother is watching” it puts even more fear in the back of your head to make it more scary that you are actually being watched even though there is a chance that you aren’t. I truly feel that the Party controls the people and maintains its power through the use of extensive psychological manipulation. In Winston’s case for an example, he drinks gin to decrease his paranoia,he downs a shot or two before writing in his diary. Winston smokes cigarettes for a common reason to calm himself down because he is always in a state of fear from the manipulation of the party. When it comes to thoughtcrime, why does Winston write in his diary and commit crime when he can get in serious trouble? I feel like this is Winston's way of a personal rebellion against Big Brother and the Party to feel better about himself. Why does Winston get involved with Julia when she could secretly be part of the party to screw Winston over or when they can easily get caught and screw themselves

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