
What Our Education System Needs Is More F's Essay

Decent Essays

In recent years we have heard a lot about what needs to be done to raise the quality of the American education system. Some claim its a lack of funding, and if we just throw money at the problem the problem of a sub-par education system will just go away. Others claim we need to get back to basics or have more stringent certification procedures. The excuses are abundant. Carl Singleton offers more radical advice. He claims what we need more is more F's. Singleton believes F's would virtually overnight save our education system. Will more F's save the American education system?

The idea of throwing out F's by the millions may sound harsh, but Singleton claims by doing so it would elevate the educational problems we face today. Why give a …show more content…

Hardly a paragraph goes by where Singleton does not use the words "give more F's" or words to that affect. This use of repetition helps Singleton reinforce the idea that the answer to educations problems is to fail students who deserve it, and this use of repetition helps the reader get use to the idea and accept it at the end.

Singleton carefully arranges his article in a way to further his argument. Singleton first shocks his reader by claiming what we need is more F's. Then with several short paragraphs he tries to prove his argument. He explains to the reader about the evolution and decline of the American educational system. How F's became D's then D's to C's and finally B's as an average grade. Then he hammers home his point by explaining how wide spread F's would reform our system. Parents would take an active roll in their kids education, teachers would have to excel if they themselves were not to become failures, the voters, politicians, and school boards would finally become aware of our problem when kids by the millions were held back. Then to sum up his argument Singleton states, "The single most important requirement for solving the problems of education in America today is a big fat F, written decisively in red ink millions of times in

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