
What Makes A Healing Dream?

Decent Essays

“Most of us have had (or, inevitably, will have) at least one dream in our lives that stops us in our tracks. Such dreams tell us we’re not who we think we are.” (pg.70) Marc Ian Barasch writes in his essay “What is a Healing Dream?” Barasch explains Healing Dreams, lead us to embrace the contradictions between flesh and spirit, self and other, shadow and light in the name of wholeness. In Hebrew the word “Dream” comes from the verb meaning “to be made healthy and strong.” Healing Dreams reveal dimensions beyond the everyday. Dreams which, if we need them, can guide us toward a greater attitude towards ourselves and others. Barasch approach about Healing Dreams makes you think about what the dream wants from us. The dreams can lead us to reconsider our careers, to find a new loved one, to heal our bodies, The term “healing dream” does not mean that after this dream you are cured of everything, it simply opens your eyes to realize what is really happening. It cannot cure anything, it is almost like advice or a wakeup call. The healing that occurs with healing dreams is much deeper than curing, healing dreams are often quite difficult to deal with, since they upset our comfortable ideas about ourselves and force us to see truths that we probably would have much preferred to ignore. These dreams are important to understand and interrupt. The symbols in the dream helps to reveal the meaning behind the healing dream. Just like Barasch, Jung believes dreams are a way of

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