
What Maggie Knew: Counter-Culture Analysis

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Counter-culture progressed in the early 20th century and represented the lifestyle of the young, who opposed dominant values and behaviors in their society. The young would create protest movements to oppose the culture of the modern American society. Throughout Professor Corey’s lectures I learned various types of counter cultural dating back to the era of the moderns, the beats, SDS, Port Huron statement, and from the novel “What Maggie Knew”. Each of these counter-cultural subjects was tempered by an opposing value that triggered to start a counter culture era of new dominance, in the way they see the world. The Moderns era consist of intellectuals and youths in the 1920s. These youths of the 1920s started a counter-culture, which were …show more content…

The Port Huron statement was created by a group of students called the students for a democratic society. These were middle class students, which looked to make a common cause with the enraged lower classes of minorities. These students focused on racism and sought to get rid of these massive issues. For example, according to the Port Huron statement, “a new left must start controversy across the land, if national policies and national apathy are to be reversed. The ideal university is a community of controversy, within itself and in its effects on communities beyond” (Hayden, Port Huron …show more content…

Maggie’s parents both had an interest in communist and wanted Maggie to follow in their footsteps. However, Maggie had a different plan she dropped out of school and started to live somewhere else. Likewise she had got caught in the counter culture of that era and ran away with friends. In the novel, “What Maggie Knew,” Corey states that Maggie’s view was, “In fact, all structure was the enemy of change. They grew their own, called one another “man” and used the word “ball” as a sexual verb. They “did” drugs or “dropped” them. No one had a bathing suit.” (Corey, What Maggie

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