
What It Means To Be An American Essay

Decent Essays

What does it mean to be an American, well a lot of things can mean that you are American. Most people reading this essay have celebrated Memorial Day and even the 4th of July. Those are some of the most patriotic events that go on in the US. Everyone in the US wants to live here for some reason or another. Nomade who you are and where your from you can live the American dream. You can celebrate our freedom and participate in our patriotism. To be and American you have to have and live the American dream, Show lots of patriotism, and participate within your community with whatever you want. Most everyone living in the wants to live the American dream. The American dream is a big part of what it means to be an American. What is the American dream you may ask, well the dream consists of lots of things. To start off the dream can really consist of what every you really want it to. Most of the time it consists of the same things. People move to the …show more content…

Being patriotic is really a big part of what it means to be an American. On the 4th of July most of America is out of there house grilling, and shooting off fireworks. They may not be doing it because they really love America but they do it because it's the 4th of July. Even though they are not doing it because they love America but hey do it because they are celebrating their freedom and it shows lots of patriotism. Memorial day is a very special holiday in the US. Everyone honors all the men and women who served in any war. These men and women served for our freedom and those people are very patriotic because of it. That is really patriotic, when people honor people for serving it really shows how great of a country we really are. We do not just say “good job” and go on our way and forget about or veterans. We celebrate their service year after year thanking them for their service and really show how patriotic America

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