
What Is Wrong In The State Of Simpsons

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Even if the police did violate Bob’s constitutional rights, he still committed a crime that should be punished. In the U.S. legal system, police are not directly punished when they violate citizens’ constitutional rights, instead, the evidence they obtained illegally becomes inadmissible in court under the exclusionary rule. Furthermore, all the evidence obtained as a result of the illegal evidence is also excluded. This is called the “fruit of the poisonous tree” doctrine. In other legal systems, such as Japanese model, there are penalties for police that violate laws, but all evidence is viable in court. This second method would provide greater incentive for police to follow legal procedure because they wouldn’t want to be punished by the state. It would also result in more criminals being charged for the crimes they committed. This case represents an opportunity for the people of The State of Simpsons to determine how they will approach police overreach in the future. Two wrongs don’t make a right; it would benefit Simpson society if all criminals were charged for their crimes. It would provide greater motivation for police to follow the law if they faced criminal charges instead of merely having the evidence they obtained in violation the law …show more content…

If the court were to choose this equitable system of justice, and found officers Carl and Lenny to have infringed upon the constitution, it is recommended that both officers be suspended without pay for one month

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