
What Is Urie Bronfenbrenner?

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Urie Broonfenbrenner has five ecological-systems (renamed it to bioecological theory) approach which are microsystems, exosystems, macrosystems, chronosystem and mesosystem. Microsystems is Berger (2014) each person’s immediate surroundings, such as family and peer group. Exosystems is Berger (2014) local institutions such as school and church. Macrosystems is Berger (2014) the larger social setting, including cultural values, economic policies, and political processes. Chronosystem is Berger (2014) literally, “time system.” Mesosystem is Berger (2014) consisting of the connections among the other systems. Some examples of Microsystems would be my classroom Psychology 200 (online), Exosystems would be my place of employment which would FWPS

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