
What Is The Whit In The Help

Decent Essays

In Kathryn Stockett’s poignant novel, The Help, Stockett pulls back the multiple dynamic layers between the maids and housewives and the division between the two which is demonstrated through symbolism of none other than a toilet. The book is set in the 1960’s Mississippi, where racial tension between white and black people is still noticeably high. Aibileen, a black maid working for Ms. Leefolt, is a hardworking woman who is paid just enough to care for herself. She endures many of the subtle racial inclinations many of Ms. Leefolt and her friends direct at her despite her loyalty and care for Ms. Leefolt’s child, Mae Mobley. Aibileen and the other maids experience similar encounters as the housewives agree on a new policy to give the maids their own separate bathrooms. Within this policy, the …show more content…

Leefolt’s toddler, Mae Mobley, is raised predominantly by Aiblieen to be a smart and independent child. Mae has not been corrupted by the adult separatist ideas about black people until many of the authorities in her life, including her teacher, after Mae Mobely colors and repeats what her teacher told her, “black means I got a dirty, bad face” (481). The ideas white people instill in their children have the same effect of creating separation between white and black people that the colored bathrooms do. Considering how the colored bathrooms continued discrimination and separation by the white housewives, it is inevitable that they will eventually lead to retaliation. After being booted from writing the newsletter, Skeeter pays Pascagoula’s brother to fill Hilly’s front yard with toilet bowls. Skeeter is getting back at Hilly, trying to spread more of her racist ideas through the Leagues newsletter. In this act of retaliation, Skeeter is shifting the degrading and humiliating experience unto a white woman rather than the maids. A small victory is claimed over Hilly, who does not see how her destructive thinking has affected many of the black women she’s

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