
What Is The Tone In 100 Years Of Solitude

Decent Essays

In the book of 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, he has a style that you see in this book with long description that may look like it goes on for a long time. The book is about the Buendía family over a century. It is the history of a family with repetitions, confusions and progressive decline. This book took place during the early nineteenth century, the novel's timeline covers the family's rise and fall from the foundation of Macondo by the tribe, José Arcadio Buendía, until the death of the last member of the line. Throughout the narrative, the fates of the Buendías and Macondo are parallel reflections. In fact, we witness the history of a people who, like the wandering tribes of Israel, are best understood in terms of their …show more content…

He feel like there is no right or wrong answer to knowledge, because “everything is known”. In addition he learned english, french, little bit of latin and greek. She lives so long that she loses track of her age. Practical, energetic, and fiercely devoted to the well-being of her family, she exhibits superhuman will and character. Although she lacks in her relationship between her and her husband, she has the high quality skills to begin a business in candy animals and pastries that keeps the family afloat during hard times. She is also the one who discovers a path from Macondo to the outside world after her husband fails. She helps the family, but then again they question what use she is because of the choices she makes sometimes in the book. Gaston, on the other hand is someone who doesn’t really speak that much. He is very behind the scenes type of guy, he just watches everything as it goes on. It’s like he’s watching soccer and there’s no goals being made because unexpected bad things are always happening to this family. He is so captivated by her that he allows her to treat him as if they are not married. Later on, he realizes that Macondo is dead and has little to do

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