
School To Prison Pipeline Research Paper

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Introduction: In the spring of 1999, I was 9 years old. One day I turned on the television and saw a live news report about the incident at Columbine High School. Two students walked into their high school, killed 12 fellow students and one professor, wounded 23 others and then took their own lives. After this event many schools instituted “No Tolerance” policies in order to try and prevent other incidents. Although there is no clear evidence that these policies have effectively stopped other incidents of this kind, there is evidence that the policies have affected the way other children encounter the educational system. “No Tolerance” policies are one of the many policies that have lead to the school-to-prison. This policy, and others like …show more content…

What exactly is the school-to-prison pipeline?
A. The school-to-prison pipeline refers to various disciplinary policies and practices that lead to the criminalization of children and teens, often for minor offences.
1. In the article Rethinking the School-to-Prison Pipeline, author David Gabbard discusses how these policies and practices have led to a dramatic increase in the rates of suspension, expulsion, and police arrest within schools.
2. These policies and practices often overlook the individuals’ need for extra educational and social assistance.
B. Often the school-to-prison pipeline is more evident in schools within low-income communities.
1. Many schools lack the resources and funds to met the needs of certain students, making it easier to push students.

These policies and practices vary from school to school but they often all stem from the same …show more content…

Often these police officers lack the training required to deal with youth, especially those suffering from disabilities.
C. As I mentioned earlier, man of the schools often lack the resources to adequately meet the various needs of their students.
1. Schools often have insufficient funding for items considered to be extras such as counselors, school social workers, and other special education services.
2. Many teachers lack the training needed to identify issues with behavior that result from abuse, poverty, and disabilities.

Despite the idea that these practices disregard, age, gender, and race, studies have shown that some students are disproportionately affected.

III. Those most likely to become involved in the school-to-prison pipeline are African-American males, Latino males, and students suffering from behavioral and educational disabilities.
A. A. Project NIA, a local Chicago based organization, is the leader in researching the affects of the school-to-prison pipeline in Chicago.
1. 1. In their report titled "Policing Chicago Public Schools: A Gateway to the School-to-Prison pipeline", they focused on the type of offenses and the demographics of those arrested on school property within the Chicago Public School

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