
What Is The SEND Code Of Practice 2015

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A statutory guidance in relation to the care and education of children with special educational needs and disabilities is the SEND code of practice 2015. The SEND code of practice 2015 states ‘A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.’ This code ensures all children who have SEN or disabilities get the correct support and alternative provision while in a learning setting. Many people must follow this code including; local authorities, early years providers, schools, FE colleges, sixth form colleges, academies/free schools, SEND tribunal, NHS trust, independent special schools and independent specialist providers, pupil referral units and alternative providers, NHS England, clinical commissioning …show more content…

The code provides the duties, policies and procedures that all organisations working with people from birth until the age of 25 will need to support people with SEN and disabilities. The SEND code is broken down into eleven chapters: principles and legislation, advice and support, working together across education health and care, the local offer, early years providers, schools, further education, preparing for adulthood, education health and care needs assessment and plans, children and young people in specific circumstances and resolving disagreements. Although the first five chapters are the important ones when working in early years, chapter 5 is the most important as it is all about early years

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