
What Is The Relationship Between Victor Frankenstein And The Monster

Decent Essays

Prompt 1: A Literary Analysis of the Role of “monster” for Victor Frankenstein and the Monster This literary analysis will define the role of “monster” that co-exists in Victor Frankenstein and the monster in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein: or, the Modern Prometheus.” Victor Frankenstein’s unethical and immoral use of science to create the monster defines a “monster” of science that does not truly understand the ramifications of his creation. In this manner, Victor’s motives for “reanimating” a human being are partially caused by the death of his mother (and the desire to end death), but he becomes so self-absorbed he does not consider the dangers of his experiment with the Monster. However, the monstrous and unethical behavior of Victor’s scientific experiment inevitably creates a creature in his own image. After the Monster is reanimated, it begins to understand the sympathetic relationship it has to Victor: “Like Adam, I was apparently united by no link to any other being in existence; but his state was far different from mine in every other respect” (Shelley 132). …show more content…

This is an important reason why Victor and the Monster are both “monsters” because they eventually come to commit murder and create havoc on the victims of their anger, hatred, and immorality that define the terrifying impact that they have on friends, families, and the unfortunate victims of their actions. Certainly, the Monster is just as guilty as Victor in committing atrocities by what they perceive to be threats against their very

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