
What Is The Reflection Of The Movie Flubber

Decent Essays

During the movie flubber, I made connections to this year’s physical science class. The following topics are discussed in this essay, polymers, physical properties, raditation, renewable engery, other types of energy, flight, and real world possibilities. In the beginning of the movie it talks about a “propulsive polymer”, and we learned about polymers in chapter twenty-four. We learned that a polymer is a substance that has a molecular structure consisting of a large number of similar units bonded together called monomers. These monomers must have been in a perfect combination to have these unique properties that makes flubber seem to be a fantasy object. The professor could modify these monomers to make the flubber have many other properties. The substance also has unlimited uses and possibilities, because it can be applied anywhere easily. The properties of flubber are ductile, moldable, foldable, can phase shift, ticklish, gullible, and elastic. It also says it’s an elastomer which is a natural or synthetic polymer having elastic properties, such as rubber. Flubber is also green. The temperature in which the flubber was formed may have affected the color of the substance. When making flubber the professor used his hair as a catalyst, which gave flubber human like properties. The professor made new life, which rewrites all the laws of physics. This year we learned about radiation and it was inferred that flubber is very reactive to gamma radiation. We know this,

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