One of the ethico-legal issue related in this scenario, is the potential risk of self-harm or others due to fleeting thoughts of suicide which a major indication that Tracey needs help and serious interventions to help her cope the current situations of her life. The children safety is at risk. It is mandatory to all healthcare workers to report children who are in danger or risk of being neglected to Department of Community Service which their main function is to support vulnerable families and keep the children and young people safe from abuse and neglect. Further assessment is necessary because it is the duty of care of the nurse to refer Tracey to Social Worker to further investigate the safety of the children. Secondly, according to
Section 47 of the Act places a duty upon local authorities to investigate such situations whereby 'there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer harm'.
In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of safeguarding adults. You will describe different types of abuse, the signs and symptoms associated with them and what to do if you are aware of or suspect an individual has been abused or you note unsafe practice. You will research failings in care services and explore how best practice can help to keep individuals safe. You will also identify the range of people who may be involved with safeguarding, along with the policies and procedures that govern best safeguarding practice.
P1-There are many different reasons why children and young people may need to be looked after which are unforeseen, unexpected and planned situations. Common reasons could involve family related issues including: family breakdown, bereavement, loss of parent, illness or incapacity of a parent such as: hospitalisation, substance misuse or mental health needs, which means there is no one else to provide care. A Child or young person are suspected or actually being maltreated. Children and young person related: health issues, behavioural problems, disability, learning difficulties or rejection by parent as a result of a new partner or because of the child or young person’s behaviour. The child or
Therefore in this scenario, the LA have the duty to investigate the number of concerns which have come up about Ewan and Callum. The red flags in this scenario are that Ewan, who is 9, and Callum, who is 13, have both suffered physically with bruises and a black eye. Both of their school attendances are poor and they have been acting aggressively during school. Ewan was also looking underweight and does not socialise with his friends. More concerns are that it is difficult getting into contact with their mother, Julie. The family house is not a healthy or happy environment as it is very untidy and dirty, Julie’s boyfriend also threatened the social worker Boris. Boris also stated that Julie was agitated which may indicate mental health problems or that she is a drug abuser. All this information is extremely alarming, therefore the LA have the duty of investigating this and protecting the children from harm.
Prior to her admission to hospital, Mrs Durant only received support and care from her neighbours, despite being eligible for community care services. Upon discharge from the hospital, under s.2 and s.5 of The Community Care (Delayed Discharges etc.) Act (2003), the National Health Service (NHS) acted on their duty to communicate their concerns, the need for community care services and a discharge date to the LA. Information about Mrs Durant would be minimised to retain confidentiality and minimalize bureaucracy. Once delivered the social services would have a duty to assess Mrs Durant within three days. All duties are compulsory and must not be avoided.
The revised version of this document provides updates on safeguarding and also a national framework to help agencies work individually as well as together to promote and safeguard the welfare of children. It also reflects the changes to safeguarding practices in recent times, especially in the light of the Laming and Bichard inquires. Information that is held by a school or care home in accordance is: - Personal Data Their name Address Date of birth Medical details Parent/guardian
What holds more value to a person, their reason or their faith? The thoughts, ideas, or visions of a person requires multiple examinations at different perspectives stemming from various sources. Reason and faith intersect more than meets the eye as some ideas overlaps. One’s religion tells them their moral values that they must adhere to, but reasoning leads to the same values. Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens by questioning everything and as a result, he was convicted and sentenced to death. Plato writes that Socrates does not he does not consider emotional appeals such as his family and friends concerns. In contrast, in Saint Paul’s “First Letter to the Corinthians”, he attacks the lost sense of a community because
This assignment will discuss “Amie’s case study” and will explore some of the risks that she is exposed too and how they can have effect on her welfare. I will start by defining what is child safeguarding centred on the legislation framework of the Children Act 2004. I will also look on what is abuse and naming types of abuse, and establish the knowledge and understanding of Assessment Framework in Amie’s case. I will also look at multi-professional strategies that can provide help and protect Amie and her siblings according to legal legislation.
Many people think that self-harm is no big deal. “It’s just for attention,” they say “they’re not really hurting themselves… right?” Wrong. Self-harm is a HUGE deal. In fact, it is 40-100 times more common than suicide. Suicide has been around for ages, while self-harm is a new trend that has been growing since the mid 1990’s, and the numbers are still skyrocketing. Self-harm was three times more common in 2011 than in 2007. Now, tell me that you think that that isn’t a big deal. Statistics show that 1% of the United States self-harms. So imagine you are in a room with 200 other people. It is likely that two of these people hurt themselves. Sometimes it is daily, other times it may just be occasional. Two people may not seem like a lot, but in reality it is.
All children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, race, faith, belief or sexual orientation. All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately. Working in partnership with other organisations, children and young people and their parents and carers is essential. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined has protection of children from maltreatment & preventing impairment of childrenâ€TMs health or development. Ensuring those children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care, and undertaking that role so as to enable those children to have
It is very important that anyone working with children should be able to recognise if a child is at risk of harm of in need because of their vulnerability. The earlier this is recognised, the better outcome for the child involved.
Everyone off us has stayed up all night at the edge of our bed waiting to find out what will happen next; 83.3% of all Americans have have done this. Suspense is any time a person is craving to know what will happen next. Authors use various elements such as cliffhanger, delayed answers ,and many more to create suspense. Elements are important if a author wants a successful suspenseful story. However, setting and delayed answers are necessary for the development of a successful suspenseful story.
According to the United Nations , 158.8 million people around the world use Marijuana which is 3.8 of the earth's population (Marijuana Statistics ). Marijuana's impact on users has changed over the years. Back in the 1960s, the potency of marijuana was nowhere near what it is today. Along with that, if users are caught, it affects those convicted more negatively. Additionally, marijuana today is being chemically altered leading to dangerous side effects for users. Therefore, Drugs are worse for teenagers today than in the 1960s due to the prescription pill epidemic,Ease of using drugs in school, and the effects drugs can have on a user's future today.
I used to be a cutter… but shh, don’t tell. Society didn't allow me to express my pain that way…Today’s society refuses to acknowledge many problems that teens deal with. People would rather believe in ‘happily ever after’ than face the truth, children are suffering. While it may seem to others that the problems are made up, its very real to the one dealing with them everyday. This suffering can leave permanent scars, and damage (if not ruin) their future. By remaining ignorant, self harm becomes more and more common, but at what cost? If educators and medical personnel were to be more educated on self harm and how to deal with it, teens and young adults would be more comfortable asking for help. Getttig rid of the stereotypes that
As a social worker, it is important to have knowledge and be comfortable with addressing safety and crisis issues related to harm to self and others. That is why it may be important to attend workshops and conferences to educate how to address such issues. By doing that, social workers will be aware of what to look for when determining if the client is at risk of harm to self and others. As Alexia’s social worker, it may be a good idea to conduct a risk assessment which involves the process of identifying or ruling out any possible risk factors. If risk factors exist, social workers can determine appropriate strategies to help eliminate or control the risk factor. The risk-taking model can be appropriate to use for clients like Alexia where