
What Is The Phony In Catcher In The Rye

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Overall, the vast majority of The Catcher in the Rye is a first person narration by Holden Caulfield. Holden is a seventeen year old boy who comes from a wealthy family who sends him to various prep schools to further his education. Holden begins at Pency Prep where the reader learns of his past expulsions from multiple prep schools. At Pency he speaks as if everyone there is a phony and not true to himself. The protagonist believes he can make a lot more of himself then what Pency offers which is ironical because he is underachieving in four of his five prep school classes (Sandock). He unknowingly hints to the reader that he himself is not involved in many activities and is a rather lonesome teenager; when instead of being with the whole school at the football game he would rather spends his time reading and speaking with Ackley who he claims is even worse off than him. This correlates well with Simple Plan’s song “I'm Just a Kid” which states “I woke up it was 7 I waited till 11 just to figure out that no one would call” (AtlanticVideos). This reflects Holden's thoughts that people will seek him out until she inevitable realization that he is somewhat of an outcast. He partly sees himself in his friend Ackley even though he never states it; he realizes that even though Ackley drives him …show more content…

Holden's problems can be traced back to the loss of his baby brother. Holden thought Allie was the smartest and brightest Claufield. Allie never appears in the novel only discussed briefly throughout. It is easy to see that Holden misses Allie and that the death causes Holden to lose the ability to love with ease. When Holden is being pushed by Phoebe to express one thing he like in the world he states Allie(Salinger 92). This expresses the true pain Holden feels. He wants nothing more then to speak to Allie. The loss of Allie is what truly spurs Holden's sadness and emotional

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