
What Is The Motif Of Clothing In Macbeth

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William Shakespeare’s plays MacBeth and King Lear, though involving different messages and circumstances, share striking similarities. In both plays, the pivotal motif of clothing is used to give the audience an insight into the characters’ mentality. However, while both plays share the motif of clothing, the way in which the motif shapes the theme differs. In both plays, Shakespeare effectively uses the motif of clothing to as a method of characterization to show how clothing is just as important to the identity of the character as their personality. In MacBeth, clothing is used as an external manifestation the wearer’s associated with power and corruption. The importance of clothing first becomes evident when MacBeth receives the title of Cawdor. When MacBeth is informed of his new title, he asks, “Thane of Cawdor lives; why do you dress me / In …show more content…

Initially, clothing in MacBeth only symbolizes power which is shown by MacBeth’s own reluctance to accept the new title and take another’s command unlawfully. In MacBeth, clothing defines a person’s status, and MacBeth detests the idea of taking on borrowed robes and powers which would make him appear as if he was pretending to be someone he was not. However, as the play progresses and MacBeth’s motives are polluted by greed, his own clothes betray him by revealing his true corruption. After killing King Duncan and taking his position as king, Angus remarks that “Now does [MacBeth] feel his title / Hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe / Upon a dwarfish thief,” highlighting how

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