
What Is The Lexical Approach

Decent Essays

According to Lewis (1993, 1997 and 2000), the basic principles that constitute the Lexical Approach can be summarised as follows:
The dichotomy ‘grammar/vocabulary’ is invalid: The strict division between grammar and vocabulary which has traditionally taken place in the teaching and learning of languages is not valid in this approach, for the attention is directed towards chunks rather than words in isolation. At the same time, an assumption of this approach is to accept that many expressions should not be analysed in their internal structures, on the contrary, this should be consciously avoided (Lewis, 1997). The manner in which this approach conceives language does not involve structures with slots being filled by individual words, but rather …show more content…

In this sense, instead of explaining each single aspect of the language, the teacher should open the students’ lexical chunks by giving three or four more examples that may clarify students’ doubts about a certain topic or the meaning of a word.
“If in doubt, point them out”: The teacher should point each new collocation out since the process of learning these new collocations is supposed to be noticed by the students. The author proposes that collocations have not been properly learned because teachers have not been highlighting their incidence and importance within any oral or written text in the L2.
Essay preparation - use collocation: Whenever the teacher provides his/her students with new words related to the topic of a certain essay, there should be an instance in which collocations of those words take place. In that way, the teacher would facilitate the students’ process of writing.
“Make the most of what students already know”: The teacher should plan his/her lessons and put them into practice guided by what students already know. In this sense, the teacher occupies what has been previously learned and enriches the vocabulary students have already internalised, in order to incline their knowledge about vocabulary and, more specifically,

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